Tag Archives: Utsira Nord

Plenitude strengthens its footprint in the offshore wind space with the expansion of the renewable energy company Vårgrønn in partnership with HitecVision, a Norwegian private equity firm

(PRESS RELEASE) MILAN/STAVANGER, 30-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Eni (BIT: ENI), an Italian multinational energy company with focus on innovation, efficiency and accessibility for all, has announced that its 100% controlled subsidiary Eni Plenitude S.p.A., Società Benefit (formerly Eni gas e … Read the full press release

Plénitude renforce son empreinte dans l’espace éolien offshore avec l’expansion de la société d’énergie renouvelable Vårgrønn en partenariat avec HitecVision, une société norvégienne de capital-investissement

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) MILAN/STAVANGER, 30-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Eni (BIT : ENI), une multinationale énergétique italienne axée sur l’innovation, l’efficacité et l’accessibilité pour tous, a annoncé que son 100 % filiale contrôlée Eni Plénitude S.p.A., Società Benefit (anciennement Eni gas e luce) … Read the full press release

Vattenfall und Seagust gründen ein Joint Venture für die Ausschreibung anstehender Lizenzrunden für Offshore-Windgebiete in Norwegen

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) STOCKHOLM, 8-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Vattenfall, ein multinationales Energieunternehmen im Besitz der schwedischen Regierung, hat seine Gründung angekündigt ein Joint Venture mit Seagust, einem neu gegründeten Unternehmen von Arendals Fossekompani (AFK) und Ferd mit Fokus auf Offshore-Windentwicklung, mit dem … Read the full press release

Vattenfall and Seagust form a joint venture for the bidding on upcoming licensing rounds for offshore wind areas in Norway

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 8-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Vattenfall, a Swedish Government-owned multinational power company, has announced it will form a joint venture with Seagust, a newly formed company by Arendals Fossekompani (AFK) and Ferd with focus on offshore wind development, … Read the full press release

Equinor and Vårgrønn to develop floating offshore wind farm at Utsira Nord in the Norwegian North Sea

(PRESS RELEASE) STAVANGER, 6-May-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Vårgrønn, the Norwegian renewable energy company established by HitecVision and Eni, announces signing of collaboration agreement with Equinor to jointly prepare and submit an application to the Norwegian authorities to develop floating offshore … Read the full press release