Tag Archives: University of Sussex

University of Sussex student Ameenah Begum developed a method for transforming the colours of eyeshadow palettes into distinctive paints for water colourists

BRIGHTON, 01-May-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — A University of Sussex student has devised a way of transforming eye-shadows into eye-catching paints which could stop millions of tons of beauty products from going to landfill. Ameenah Begum, 23, has developed a method for … Read the full press release

University of Sussex Buzzing Balconies project bagged the most votes in the latest round of Tesco Bags of Help

BRIGHTON, 01-May-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — University of Sussex researchers investigating how bees get a buzz out of Brighton’s balconies and courtyards have thanked the public after shoppers’ votes bagged them a funding boost. The Buzzing Balconies project has received £4,000 after … Read the full press release

University of Sussex: Dr Marie-Fabrice Gasasira Uwamahoro organised a one-day science festival for school pupils and teachers in Rwanda

BRIGHTON, 28-Mar-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — A University of Sussex scientist has returned to her homeland to inspire a new generation to follow in her footsteps. Dr Marie-Fabrice Gasasira Uwamahoro, a research technician at the University’s world-renowned Genome Damage and Stability Centre, organised a … Read the full press release

University of Sussex: EU likely to reject a significantly enhanced version of its Canada trade deal for the UK after Brexit

BRIGHTON, 28-Mar-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — The European Union is likely to reject a significantly enhanced version of its Canada trade deal for the UK after Brexit, according to experts. An in-depth analysis – published by the UK Trade Policy Observatory (UKTPO) … Read the full press release

New exhibition explores the troubled lives of eighteenth and nineteenth century convicts at London Metropolitan Archives

LIVERPOOL, 11-Dec-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — A new exhibition exploring the troubled lives of eighteenth and nineteenth century convicts, produced in collaboration with the University of Liverpool’s Digital Panopticon Project, opens on Monday. Criminal Lives, 1780-1925: Punishing Old Bailey Convicts, runs at the … Read the full press release

University of Sussex Professor Ivor Gaber re-elected to represent UK on the press freedom body at UNESCO

BRIGHTON, 07-Dec-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Ivor Gaber, Professor of Political Journalism at the University of Sussex, has been re-elected to represent the United Kingdom on an important press freedom body at UNESCO, the United Nation’s body responsible for developing and supporting … Read the full press release

University of Sussex-led study on the ways horses perceive human body language

BRIGHTON, 03-Nov-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Horses can tell the difference between dominant and submissive body postures in humans, even when the humans are not familiar to them, according to a new University of Sussex-led study. The findings enhance our understanding of … Read the full press release

Conference debating misogyny and gender hate online at University of Sussex

BRIGHTON, 03-Nov-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Experts are gathering at the University of Sussex this week for a two-day conference debating misogyny and gender hate online. María Rún Bjarnadóttir, Doctoral Researcher in Law at the University of Sussex, says: “Misogynistic speech is not a … Read the full press release

Records of 90,000 British convicts uncovered in free history website

BRIGHTON, 25-Sep-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Family historians, teachers, crime writers and academics can follow the lives of people convicted and transported to Australia or imprisoned in Britain using a vast, new, free online resource. The Digital Panopticon website draws on over four million … Read the full press release

University of Sussex: dramatic increase in hunting of pangolins from 1970s to 2014 across Central Africa

BRIGHTON, 20-Jul-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — The hunting of pangolins, the world’s most illegally traded mammal, has increased by 150 percent in Central African forests from 1970s to 2014, according to a new study led by the University of Sussex. The first-ever study … Read the full press release

Study: new lab equipment could revolutionise the way neuroscientists across the world are trained

BRIGHTON, 20-Jul-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — A team of international researchers have come up with an inexpensive way to self-manufacture lab equipment, which could revolutionise the way neuroscientists across the world are trained. In a study published in the open access journal PLOS Biology, Dr … Read the full press release

University of Sussex Professor Anil Seth on the possibility of conscious AI

BRIGHTON, 19-Jul-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Our conscious experiences of the world have more to do with being alive than being intelligent, argues a leading expert in a “mind-scrambling” TED talk made available to the public today (Tuesday 18 July 2017). Taking the stage … Read the full press release

TechnologyOne’s Student Management SaaS will replace the University of Sussex’s in-house student record system

BRIGHTON, 23-Jun-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — The University of Sussex has partnered with enterprise software provider TechnologyOne to transform its student and academic services in a multi-million-pound deal. TechnologyOne’s Student Management Software as a Service (SaaS) solution will replace the University’s in-house … Read the full press release

University of Sussex: Brexit may lead to boom in tourism and high-end exports in the South East

BRIGHTON, 06-Jun-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Brexit could lead to a boom in tourism and high-end exports in the South East, according to a consultation with local people by trade experts at the University of Sussex. However, there is growing concern about … Read the full press release

Sussex Professor of History releases new book—a historical look on women and desire

BRIGHTON, 16-Feb-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Alpha males beware. You’re not what women want. At least, not unless you have a damaged, vulnerable side that makes you ready to be tamed. While nearly two centuries have passed since moody Mr Rochester gave … Read the full press release

University of Sussex to present ‘The Public Life of the Private Diary’ seminar on February 22

BRIGHTON, 16-Feb-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — The public’s fascination with diaries and their writers will come under the microscope at the University of Sussex during the latest in the School of English’s colloquium series. On 22 February at 5:00pm, ‘The Public Life … Read the full press release

University of Sussex academics: Legal uncertainty over Brexit more likely to benefit the EU 27 than the UK

BRIGHTON, 12-Oct-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — The legal uncertainty over exactly how the UK exits the EU is most likely to benefit the remaining EU countries, according to experts in EU and international trade law. The lack of a ‘pre-nup’ between the … Read the full press release

University of Sussex: More effective, evidence-based work needs to be done to tackle hate crime

BRIGHTON, 12-Oct-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — More effective, evidence-based work needs to be done to tackle hate crime, according to a report published today by the University of Sussex as part of National Hate Crime Awareness Week 2016.  Preventing Hate Crime by … Read the full press release

University of Sussex: Researchers identified inherited syndrome associated with severe lung disease

BRIGHTON, 19-Jul-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — A rare inherited condition which can lead to infant death through severe lung disease has been discovered by an international group of scientists, according to new research published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. Researchers from … Read the full press release

New research shows how our perception of time lies mid-way between reality and our expectations

BIRMINGHAM, 14-Jul-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — New research, using a Bayesian inference model of audio and visual stimuli, has shown how our perception of time lies mid-way between reality and our expectations. 90 participants were tested across four experiments, and asked to … Read the full press release