Tag Archives: University of East Anglia

UEA Celebrates Groundbreaking Gender Transition Memoir Co-Authored by Student and Mother on World Book Day

(IN BRIEF) At the University of East Anglia, Leo Telford, a second-year Sociology student, and his mother Gemma have co-authored the groundbreaking memoir Between: A Memoir on Gender Transition by a Mother and Her Trans Son, published in February. The … Read the full press release

University of East Anglia Recognizes Outstanding Contributions in Nursing with National Shortlistings

(IN BRIEF) A nursing student and two lecturers from the University of East Anglia (UEA) have been recognized in the prestigious Student Nursing Times Awards for their exceptional work in improving care for children, young people, and families. These individuals … Read the full press release

New Study Finds A&E Departments an Effective Setting for Encouraging Smoking Cessation with Vape Support

(IN BRIEF) A University of East Anglia study found that offering vapes to patients in A&E departments helped boost confidence in quitting smoking. The trial, conducted in six hospitals, showed higher quit rates among those given vape kits versus traditional … Read the full press release

University of East Anglia Launches New Health Unit to Tackle Gastrointestinal Infections with NIHR Funding

(IN BRIEF) The University of East Anglia (UEA) has received £1.8 million in funding to establish a new research unit focused on gastrointestinal infections, alongside £1 million for the Quadram Institute Bioscience (QIB). Located in Norwich and part of the … Read the full press release

Early Surgery for Aortic Stenosis Could Prevent Symptoms and Hospital Visits, Study Finds

(IN BRIEF) A new study from the University of Edinburgh and the University of East Anglia suggests that earlier surgical intervention for severe aortic stenosis can improve elderly patients’ quality of life and reduce hospitalizations. The EVOLVED study, involving 224 … Read the full press release

New Anatomy Training Facilities Under Construction at University of East Anglia

(IN BRIEF) The University of East Anglia (UEA) has begun construction on a new state-of-the-art Anatomy Suite, set to enhance training for healthcare professionals. Located next to the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, the two-storey facility will offer 390 square … Read the full press release

The Camera Never Lies”: An Exhibition on the Truth in Photography at Sainsbury Centre

(IN BRIEF) From May 18 to October 20, 2024, the Sainsbury Centre will host “The Camera Never Lies: Challenging Images through The Incite Project,” a pivotal exhibition investigating the truth and manipulation in iconic photography. This exhibit will explore the … Read the full press release

Understanding Women’s Sleep and Emotions Across the Menstrual Cycle: New Research Insights

(IN BRIEF) New research reveals that women experience disruptions in sleep patterns and heightened feelings of anger in the days leading up to their period, shedding light on the intricate relationship between menstrual cycles, emotions, and sleep. Conducted by the … Read the full press release

GP-Camera Collaboration Revolutionizes Dermatology Consultations, Slashing Wait Times

(IN BRIEF) A service evaluation conducted by the University of East Anglia unveils a groundbreaking initiative where GPs utilized cameras to photograph skin complaints, sending high-resolution images to dermatologists for review. With over 3,000 patients involved, the innovative service significantly … Read the full press release

Artistic Expression and Empathy: UEA’s Refugee Week Art Displays Illuminate Stories of Sanctuary Seekers

(IN BRIEF) The University of East Anglia (UEA) is hosting Refugee Week from March 1st to 8th, featuring two collaborative art exhibitions: “Finding Home in Education” and “Families Beyond Boundaries.” The first exhibition showcases posters created by sanctuary seekers exploring … Read the full press release

Global Warming Amplifies Risks: UEA-Led Study Warns of Heightened Climate Threats to Developing Countries

(IN BRIEF) A research program led by the University of East Anglia (UEA) has quantified how climate change risks increase at a national scale with rising global temperatures. Focusing on six countries including Brazil, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, and India, … Read the full press release

Gut Bacteria Diversity May Impact Severity of Diarrhoeal Disease, UEA Study Finds

(IN BRIEF) New research from the University of East Anglia suggests that the severity of diarrhoeal diseases, specifically cryptosporidiosis, may be linked to the diversity of bacteria in the gut. Cryptosporidiosis is responsible for over 100,000 deaths annually, primarily in … Read the full press release

Replacing Sitting with Short Bouts of Exercise Improves Heart Health, Study Finds

(IN BRIEF) A study conducted by researchers from UCL, the University of Sydney, and the University of East Anglia has found that replacing sedentary behavior with even short periods of moderate to vigorous exercise can significantly improve heart health. The … Read the full press release

Lightning-Induced Wildfires Pose Growing Threat to Boreal Forests, New Study Finds

(IN BRIEF) A study led by researchers from the University of East Anglia, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the University of Leeds, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences (China), and BeZero Carbon Ltd. reveals that lightning is the primary cause of wildfires in … Read the full press release

University of East Anglia and GeoAcoustics Develop AI-Enhanced Seabed Mapping System for Real-Time Data Accuracy

(IN BRIEF) A collaboration between the University of East Anglia’s (UEA) School of Computing Sciences and GeoAcoustics Ltd has led to the development of an AI-driven solution for real-time seabed mapping. Traditional sonar-based seabed mapping generates extensive data, requiring manual … Read the full press release

Cutting-Edge Sensing Technology Aids Study on Coastal Erosion and Cliff Collapse

(IN BRIEF) The University of East Anglia’s School of Environmental Sciences has acquired cutting-edge fibre optic ground sensing equipment, funded by a £460k grant from the National Environment Research Council (NERC). This technology will be used to detect coastal erosion … Read the full press release

Study Reveals Undervaluation of Nature Fuels Environmental Crisis: Calls for Shift in Values and Policies

(IN BRIEF) A new study published in Nature, involving researchers from the University of East Anglia (UEA), highlights the undervaluation of nature as a core aspect of the current environmental crisis. The study identifies the dominance of narrow market-based values … Read the full press release

New research highlights flaws in Environmental Impact Assessments

(IN BRIEF) New research from the University of East Anglia suggests that Environmental Impact Assessments may significantly underestimate the impact that new developments have on wildlife by not accounting for how animals move between different sites. The study shows how … Read the full press release

International conference explores the human cost of coastal heritage loss from climate change

(IN BRIEF) The University of East Anglia will hold a conference discussing the loss of coastal heritage due to climate change, and how it can be addressed in policy. Despite the growing realisation that heritage losses due to climate change … Read the full press release

Study Warns of Increased Risk of Flesh-Eating Bacteria Along US Coast Due to Climate Change

(IN BRIEF) A new study by the University of East Anglia warns that continued warming of the climate would cause a rise in the number and spread of potentially fatal infections caused by bacteria found along parts of the coast … Read the full press release