Tag Archives: University College London

University College London (UCL) led research made 2D nanomaterials by dissolving layered materials in liquids

Two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials have been made by dissolving layered materials in liquids, according to new UCL-led research. The liquids can be used to apply the 2D nanomaterials over large areas and at low costs, enabling a variety of important future … Read the full press release

University College London: The Large Underground Xenon (LUX) dark matter experiment yielded no trace of dark matter particle

LONDON, 22-Jul-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — The Large Underground Xenon (LUX) dark matter experiment has yielded no trace of a dark matter particle after completing its final 20-month long search of the universe, according to LUX collaboration scientists including UCL researchers. LUX’s sensitivity … Read the full press release

University College London part of consortium for the creation of the Apollo Therapeutics Fund

LONDON, 26-Jan-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Three global pharmaceutical companies (AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson Innovation) and the technology transfer offices of three world-leading universities (Imperial College London, University of Cambridge and UCL) have joined forces with a combined £40 million to … Read the full press release

University College London: change in sense of humour could be an early sign of dementia

LONDON, 12-11-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Researchers at UCL have revealed that a change in sense of humour could be an early sign of dementia. The findings could help improve dementia diagnosis, by highlighting changes not commonly thought to be linked … Read the full press release

Sir Tim Hunt FRS resigned from his position as Honorary Professor with the University College London (UCL)

LONDON, 11-6-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — UCL can confirm that Sir Tim Hunt FRS has today resigned from his position as Honorary Professor with the UCL Faculty of Life Sciences, following comments he made about women in science at the World … Read the full press release

University College London’s studies could help enhance our immunity to disease through dietary intervention

Researchers from UCL have demonstrated how an interplay between nutrition, metabolism and immunity is involved in the process of ageing.  LONDON, 27-8-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — The two new studies, supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), could help … Read the full press release

University College London researchers investigate on the secret of how salamanders successfully regrow body parts

The secret of how salamanders successfully regrow body parts is being unravelled by UCL researchers in a bid to apply it to humans. LONDON, 21-6-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — For the first time, researchers have found that the ‘ERK pathway’ must be … Read the full press release

University College London opens Quantum Science & Technology Institute to coordinate and support research into quantum science and technology

LONDON, 16-5-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — UCL is today (12 May 2014) inaugurating a new Quantum Science & Technology Institute (UCLQ). The new institute will coordinate and support research into quantum science and technology across UCL, helping to develop this fast-advancing field of research. … Read the full press release

University College London to coordinate EU funded project aimed at improving diagnosis of balance disorders

LONDON, 13-2-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — GPs and other doctors will be equipped with a new, online information system to help diagnose and treat a range of balance disorders, thanks to €3.5m European Union funding for EMBalance. This three-year project will be coordinated by … Read the full press release

University College London’s Professor Semir Zeki: Mathematical beauty activates same brain region as great art or music

LONDON, 13-2-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — People who appreciate the beauty of mathematics activate the same part of their brain when they look at aesthetically pleasing formula as others do when appreciating art or music, suggesting that there is a neurobiological basis to … Read the full press release

University of Cambridge, University of Sheffield and University College London researchers link genetic mutations to Parkinson’s disease

15-8-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Researchers have discovered how genetic mutations linked to Parkinson’s disease might play a key role in the death of brain cells, potentially paving the way for the development of more effective drug treatments. In the new study, … Read the full press release

University College London: Men experience higher burden of disease and lower life expectancy than women

21-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Men experience a higher burden of disease and lower life expectancy than women, but policies focusing on the health needs of men are notably absent from the strategies of global health organisations, according to a Viewpoint article in this … Read the full press release