(PRESS RELEASE) BONN, 18-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Deutsche Telekom (ETR: DTE), one of the world’s leading integrated telecommunications companies and the largest telecommunications provider in Europe by revenue, has announced that 28 European cloud providers, including Deutsche Telekom, have launched … Read the full press release →
Posted in Business, Germany, Industrial, Infrastructure & Utilities, Internet & Online, Management, Technology, Telecom
Tagged AgriGaia, AISBL, Aruba.it, AssoSoftware, Atos, Catena-X, City Network, cloud providers, cloud service providers, Cloud services, Cloud&Heat Technologies, CS Group, CSI, CSPs, data, DE-CIX, Deutsche Telekom, EBRC, Elmec, engineering, EuroDat, Fabasoft, Gaia-X AISBL, Gaia-X compliant, Gaia-X requirements, Gaia-X Summit, infrastructure, International Dataspaces, IONOS SE, KPN, lighthouse initiatives, Lighthouse Structura-X, Luxinnovation, Mainstream, Max Ahrens, next layer, Noovle, OpenNebula Systems, OSISM, Peter Altmaier, Structura-X, ThreeFold Tech, Tietoevry, TOP-IX, United Group, Vivacom