Tag Archives: UAV

Deutsche Telekom Debuts Flying Base Station at Jizerská 50 to Provide Mobile Coverage in Remote Areas

(IN BRIEF) Deutsche Telekom has made history by deploying a drone as a mobile base station at the Jizerská 50 cross-country ski race in the Czech Jizera Mountains. This marks the first-ever use of a UAV with an integrated mobile … Read the full press release

bp ventures beteiligt sich an der von Amati Global Investors geleiteten Finanzierungsrunde für Flylogix, ein Startup, das auf Drohnen zur Erkennung von Methan angewiesen ist

Flylogix nutzt unbemannte Drohnen, um Methan vor der Küste zu messen Investitionen werden den Übergang in die Branche der erneuerbaren Energien und den Eintritt in neue Regionen vorantreiben Technologie spielt eine entscheidende Rolle, wenn es darum geht, bp dabei zu … Read the full press release

bp ventures takes part in the Amati Global Investors led funding round for Flylogix, a startup that relies on drones to detect methane

Flylogix leverages unmanned drones to measure methane offshore Investment will spur crossover into renewables industry and entry to new geographies Technology plays critical role in helping bp to reduce its operational methane emissions (PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 22-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — bp (LON: … Read the full press release

Loughborough University students designed and developed unmanned aerial vehicles for search and rescue mission

Leicestershire, UK, 28-5-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — A group of Loughborough University students have devised a unique ‘swarm’ system using smart unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that could be the future for mountain search and rescue. The 13 undergraduates were challenged to design and … Read the full press release