Tag Archives: Swiss National Science Foundation

Empa led research team works on the development of an ecological and solidarity-based business model to reduce the environmental impact of e-waste recycling in India

(PRESS RELEASE) DÜBENDORF, 1-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Empa, the Swiss research institute for applied materials sciences and technology, has announced that it leads an Inndo-Swiss research team of researchers that are working on the development of an ecological and solidarity-based … Read the full press release

El equipo de investigación dirigido por Empa trabaja en el desarrollo de un modelo de negocio ecológico y solidario para reducir el impacto ambiental del reciclaje de desechos electrónicos en India

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) DÜBENDORF, 1-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Empa, el instituto de investigación suizo para la ciencia y la tecnología de los materiales aplicados, ha anunciado que dirige un equipo de investigación indo-suizo de investigadores que están trabajando en el … Read the full press release

Empa: Researcher to make small power plants from graphene nanoribbons that can generate electricity from heat

(PRESS RELEASE) DÜBENDORF, 18-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Empa, the Swiss research institute for applied materials sciences and technology, has announced that the researcher Mickael L. Perrin plans to build tiny power plants from graphene nanoribbons that can generate electricity from … Read the full press release

Patients can now lie longer due to smart sensors that prevent injuries to skin and tissue

(PRESS RELEASE) BERN, 20-Feb-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — An innovative project called ProTex will receive CHF 2 million funding grant from BRIDGE Discovery. ProTex relies on highly sensitive portable sensors that use light to measure oxygen saturation in the blood. Those portable sensors will help prevent … Read the full press release