Brussels, Belgium, 05-12-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The European Commission has fined 8 international financial institutions a total of € 1 712 468 000 for participating in illegal cartels in markets for financial derivatives covering the European Economic Area (EEA). Four of these … Read the full press release →
Posted in Banks, Belgium, Business, European Union, Financial, Government, Investment, Law
Tagged Barclays, cartels, Citigroup, Competition, Deutsche Bank, EURIBOR scandal, European Economic Area, financial derivatives cartels, fines, forward rate agreements, Futures, interest rate derivatives, international banks, Joaquin Almunia, JPMorgan, LIBOR scandal, Options, RBS, RP Martin, SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE, swaps, The European Commission, transparency, UBS, € 1.71 billion