Tag Archives: Statista

AFRY Achieves Eighth Consecutive Bronze Award in Energy, Utilities & Environment Category

(IN BRIEF) AFRY has once again been awarded the Bronze recognition in the Energy, Utilities & Environment category by the Financial Times and Statista, marking its eighth consecutive year on the list. The ranking is based on extensive surveys of … Read the full press release

Global Telco AI Alliance: SK Telecom and Deutsche Telekom Collaborate on Language Model

(IN BRIEF) SK Telecom (SKT) and Deutsche Telekom have teamed up to create a specialized language model for digital customer service assistants in the telecommunications industry. This collaboration is part of the “Global Telco AI Alliance” initiative, and they plan … Read the full press release

Philips Recognized as One of the World’s Most Trustworthy Companies in International Analysis

(IN BRIEF) Philips has earned recognition as one of the world’s most trustworthy companies in an international analysis conducted by Statista in collaboration with Newsweek. The analysis considered the perspectives of customers, investors, and employees. In the survey, over 70,000 … Read the full press release

AFRY gehört zu Europas ehrgeizigsten Unternehmen bei der Reduzierung von Treibhausgasemissionen

(IN KÜRZE) AFRY wurde in die von Financial Times und Statista zusammengestellte Liste der europäischen Klimaführer 2023 aufgenommen. Die Liste umfasst 500 Unternehmen, die sich verpflichtet haben, Treibhausgasemissionen zu reduzieren und Anstrengungen zur Verbesserung ihrer Umweltauswirkungen zu unternehmen. Das Ranking … Read the full press release

AFRY listed among Europe’s most ambitious companies in reducing greenhouse gas emissions

(IN BRIEF) AFRY has been included in Europe’s Climate Leaders 2023 list, compiled by Financial Times and Statista. The list comprises 500 companies that are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making efforts to improve their environmental impact. The … Read the full press release

Maya Miranda Ambarsari launches InterconnectDATA information platform for authentic data

Following InterconnectDATA’s platform launch, companies, investors, startups & professionals now have a go-to platform for new business information. (PRESS RELEASE) BANDUNG, Indonesia, 5-Dec-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — PT. Teknologi Cakra Internasional has taken its commitment to authentic data to the next … Read the full press release

The greater representation of women and people of color in BAE Systems recognized by Forbes and Statista

Forbes has recognized BAE Systems, Inc. as one of “America’s Best Employers for Women” for 2021, one of only 300 companies selected. (PRESS RELEASE) FARNBOROUGH, 16-Aug-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — BAE Systems (LON: BA), a British multinational defence, security, and aerospace … Read the full press release

Telia among the few European companies that achieved the greatest cut in greenhouse gas emissions

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 21-May-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Telia Company AB, a Swedish multinational telecommunications company and mobile network operator, has announced it has been named by FT and Statista among select European companies that achieved the greatest cut in greenhouse … Read the full press release

Ströer announces increase in Statista shareholding

(PRESS RELEASE) COLOGNE, 9-May-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — Ströer continues to focus on its core business. After selling Foodist and Mobile Performance, Ströer sold its stake in the Nordic company Conexus, which it had acquired in 2015. Conexus is the third … Read the full press release