Tag Archives: solar panels

Kühne+Nagel will auf Lastwagen installierte Photovoltaikanlagen einsetzen, um CO2-Emissionen zu reduzieren

Sonnenkollektoren machen elektronische Systeme auf Lastwagen nachhaltig Monatliche Einsparung von bis zu 100 Liter Kraftstoff pro LKW Senkung des Gesamtkraftstoffverbrauchs eines Lkw um bis zu 6 % pro Jahr (PRESSEMITTEILUNG) HELMOND, Netherlands, 24-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Kühne+Nagel (SWX: KNIN), eines der … Read the full press release

Holcim part of cleaning coastal areas initiative in the Philippines

First of its kind solar powered catamaran operated by One Earth One Ocean to clean coastal areas from plastic waste in Manila Bay Empowering local action with education and science programs in partnership with the University of Philippines Marine Science … Read the full press release

Deutsche Telekom and Ericsson initiative makes progress on the use of renewable energy for more sustainable 5G mobile site operations

New milestone in Deutsche Telekom and Ericsson renewable energy collaboration Integrated use of solar and wind energy supply enables more sustainable 5G mobile site operations Intelligent energy management features optimize supply and demand on mobile sites (PRESS RELEASE) BONN, 23-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ … Read the full press release

L’initiative de Deutsche Telekom et Ericsson fait progresser l’utilisation des énergies renouvelables pour des opérations de sites mobiles 5G plus durables

Nouvelle étape dans la collaboration entre Deutsche Telekom et Ericsson dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables L’utilisation intégrée de l’énergie solaire et éolienne permet des opérations de sites mobiles 5G plus durables Les fonctions de gestion intelligente de l’énergie optimisent … Read the full press release

INSEAD Asia Campus in Singapore receives the Green Mark Platinum award from the Building and Construction Authority (BCA)

(PRESS RELEASE) FONTAINEBLEAU, France, 23-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — INSEAD, one of the world’s leading and largest graduate business schools with presence in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and North America, has announced that its Asia Campus in Singapore has received … Read the full press release

New study led by researchers from the University of Leicester sheds light on the planetary cycle of metals and how this could be vital for the green revolution

(PRESS RELEASE) LEICESTER, 31-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — The University of Leicester, a public research university based in Leicester, England, has announced that a new international study led by researchers from its Centre for Sustainable Resource Extraction has discovered a new … Read the full press release

The Vattenfall Solar Team made it to the third place in a tough Sahara Desert race

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 2-Nov-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Vattenfall, a Swedish Gov-owned multinational power company, has announced that the Vattenfall Solar Team took the third place in the Solar Challenge Morocco, a tough race through the Sahara Desert with camels and … Read the full press release

Citycon: The new urban centre Lippulaiva will be carbon neutral in terms of energy consumption from the opening day

(PRESS RELEASE) ESPOO, 17-Jun-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Citycon, a leading owner, developer and manager of multipurpose urban centres, has announced that the new urban centre Lippulaiva, that is currently under construction in Espoonlahti, is a pioneer in sustainable energy solutions, … Read the full press release

Statkraft’s Banja Floating Solar project in Albania starts generating renewable energy

(PRESS RELEASE) OLSO, 3-Jun-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Generator of renewable energy, as well as Norway’s largest and the Nordic region’s third largest energy producer, Statkraft and Norwegian supplier Ocean Sun, announce the start of commercial operations at the first unit … Read the full press release

Bentley Motors the first luxury automotive brand to run its in-house logistics on 100% renewable fuels

Achieving carbon neutral operations a key pillar of Bentley’s recently launched Beyond100 commitment to becoming end-to-end carbon neutral by 2030 Manufacturing team developing industry-leading vision for supply chain design and sustainable manufacturing Reduce, avoid and compensate ethos informed strategy to … Read the full press release

Wayout’s advanced water purification system to be deployed in East Africa will rely on Telenor Connexion’s IoT connectivity powered by Ericsson IoT Accelerator

Powered by Ericsson IoT Accelerator, Telenor Connexion provides global connectivity to Wayout’s sustainable micro-factories Telenor Connexion to deliver cellular IoT connectivity management services, SIM cards and agreements with local operators Ericsson IoT Accelerator enables cost-efficient IoT connectivity management and operations … Read the full press release

Total to help one of Thailand’s largest food companies shrink its carbon footprint

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 6-Mar-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — Total to provide 25 megawatt-peak (MWp) of solar rooftops for 24 facilities of Betagro. The binding contract was signed through its affiliate Total Solar Distributed Generation. Betagro is one of the largest food … Read the full press release

NIB and Westra Wermlands Sparbank to improve access to financing for SMEs in western Sweden with new loan programme

(PRESS RELEASE) HELSINKI, 31-Oct-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — NIB and Westra Wermlands Sparbank sign seven-year loan programme of SEK 300 million (EUR 27.8 million) to help small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and environmental projects in western Sweden. This will improve … Read the full press release

NIB funds Maxima Grupe’s investment in energy efficiency solutions at its stores in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

(PRESS RELEASE) HELSINKI, 7-Aug-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — NIB and Maxima LT, UAB sign ten-year EUR 52 million loan agreement to finance Maxima’s investments in its retail network renewal in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The Lithuanian retail company will upgrade 31 … Read the full press release

Smart marine initiative unveils 62,000 dwt Ultramax Bulk Carrier design that meets the ambitious IMO’s GHG reduction targets

The new Ultramax Bulk Carrier design meets the IMO 2030 environmental targets

Joint development project by Wärtsilä, Oshima & DNV GL comes up with Bulk Carrier design meeting the IMO 2030 environmental targets (PRESS RELEASE) HELSINKI, 3-Jul-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — The next-generation 62,000 dwt Ultramax Bulk Carrier design that meets the International … Read the full press release

GroenLeven Heerenveen will install solar panels at the roofs of FrieslandCampina member dairy farms

670,000 m2 solar panels on roofs of FrieslandCampina member dairy farms Amersfoort, Netherlands, 23-Aug-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Henk Kamp, the Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs, granted over 200 million euro SDE+ subsidy for the installation of solar panels at the roofs … Read the full press release

University of Sussex report: Community-led sustainable energy projects not taken seriously enough by the government

Sussex, 13-5-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Published today (12 May 2014), the report looks at how initiatives such as community-owned solar panels, wind turbines and hydro-electricity generators, as well as energy-saving projects, could make big differences in tackling climate change. But while a … Read the full press release

EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht on the China solar panels anti-dumping measures

Brussels, 5-6-2013 — /europawire.eu/ —  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to inform you that the European Commission has decided unanimously to impose provisional tariffs on solar panels imported from China in order to counter the dumping of these products … Read the full press release

The European Commission imposes provisional anti-dumping duties on imports of solar panels, cells and wafers from China

Brussels, 4-6-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Commission has today issued the following statement: “Today the European Commission has decided to impose provisional anti-dumping duties on imports of solar panels, cells and wafers from China. This decision follows a thorough and serious … Read the full press release