Tag Archives: SME

Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) to launch export credits for SME environmentally-friendly projects in Russia, the Ukraine and Belarus

Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) will begin offering export credits for small-scale projects with environmental benefits in Russia, the Ukraine and Belarus. The export credits are intended for Nordic companies export deliveries valued at EUR 0.5-5 million. Nordic export credit … Read the full press release

Finnvera launched EUR 230 million floating rate note maturing in August 2018

Finland, 21-10-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Finnvera launched on 8 October 2013 a SEK 2 billion (approx. EUR 230 million) floating rate note maturing in August 2018. The note was issued under the company’s EMTN (Euro Medium Term Note) programme. Finnvera’s EMTN programme … Read the full press release

EBRD President Sir Suma Chakrabarti visited Romania and met with Romanian President Traian Basescu

New SME credit helps small firms gain access to finance 20-6-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The EBRD reached out to small Romanian companies on Monday during a week when EBRD President Sir Suma Chakrabarti’s first visit to the country underscored the Bank’s … Read the full press release

Middle East and North Africa (MENA) SME Facility established to expand access to finance for small businesses

Amman, Jordan, 27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, the European Investment Bank (EIB), Agence Française de Développement (AFD), and the European Commission through the  Neighborhood Investment Facility (NIF) are working together to provide funding for … Read the full press release

European Commission takes action to protect businesses against marketing scams

Brussels, 28-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Today, the European Commission outlined a series of actions to tackle marketing scams, such as those of misleading directory companies. The aim is to better protect businesses, professionals and NGOs across Europe from dishonest traders who … Read the full press release

SME WEEK: EU needs more women entrepreneurs to create growth and jobs

Brussels, 22-10-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Women’s entrepreneurial potential is underexploited and the EU needs more women entrepreneurs to create growth and new jobs. This was the main message of today’s European SME Week Summit in Brussels which focuses on encouraging women to … Read the full press release

Antonio TAJANI Vicepresidente della Commissione europea, responsabile per l’Industria e l’Imprenditoria Il Vicepresidente della Commissione europea Antonio Tajani inaugura la Settimana delle PMI e del Mercato unico Vent’anni del mercato interno, Sala della Protomoteca, Campidoglio/Roma 15 October 2012

Il Vicepresidente della Commissione europea Antonio Tajani inaugura la Settimana delle PMI e del Mercato unico Sala della Protomoteca, Campidoglio/Roma, 18-10-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — INTRODUZIONE Il Nobel attribuito all’Unione europea è un riconoscimento alla pace e alla prosperità realizzata con oltre sessant’anni … Read the full press release

Small and medium sized enterprises in 2011: situations per EU Member State

Trends in the SME sector for Austria

18-10-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — The Commission annually assesses progress in implementation of the Small Business Act (SBA)1 at national level. This memo describes the results of the assessment as illustrated by country specific SBA factsheets2, composed on the basis of a wide … Read the full press release

SMEs in Europe at the crossroads: further policy boost needed to help in recovery

Note: 2011 and 2012 figures are estimates.

17-10-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Europe’s Small and Medium Sized enterprises (SMEs) continue to strive for recovery. If we take the EU as a whole so far their overall efforts have mainly led to ‘jobless’ growth, as shown by diverging trends in … Read the full press release