Tag Archives: screening

Servier Reinforces Commitment to Cancer Research and Patient Care on World Cancer Day

(IN BRIEF) On World Cancer Day, Servier reaffirms its commitment to the fight against cancer by focusing on oncology as a central part of its Research & Development efforts. The company emphasizes the importance of understanding the personal experiences of … Read the full press release

Genetic Study Reveals Potential for Tailored Breast Cancer Screening

(IN BRIEF) A recent genetic study conducted by researchers at the University of Helsinki suggests that genetic risk information could revolutionize breast cancer screening, potentially benefiting one in ten women. The study indicates that a comprehensive genetic risk profile could … Read the full press release

Deutsche Bank on joining JPMorgan’s IIN: ancillary payment processes will become safer and more efficient

Deutsche Bank on joining JPMorgan's IIN: ancillary payment processes will become safer and more efficient

Deutsche Bank joins JPMorgan’s Interbank Information Network (PRESS RELEASE) FRANKFURT AM MAIN, 17-Sep-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — Deutsche Bank announced it is joining JPMorgan operated Interbank Information Network (IIN). The blockchain based network allows its member banks to exchange information on … Read the full press release