Construction of two new SIHARBOR shore power plants at Kiel’s Ostuferhafen Parallel supply of up to three passenger, cargo, or ferry ships Plants go into operation end of 2023 Cruise ships, ferries will be able to obtain shore power at … Read the full press release →
Posted in Construction, Energy, Gas & Oil, Environment, Germany, Industrial, Infrastructure & Utilities, News, Technology, Transportation & Logistics
Tagged cargo, construction, cruise ships, Dr. Dirk Claus, ferries, green power, Kiel, Markus Mildner, Norwegenkai, Ostseekai, Ostuferhafen, PORT OF KIEL, renewable energies, RoRo vessels, Schwedenkai, seagoing vessels, SEEHAFEN KIEL GmbH & Co. KG, ships, shore power infrastructure, shore power plant, Siemens, Siemens AG, Siemens eMobility, SIHARBOR shore power plants, sustainability, Zero-emission future