Tag Archives: sampling

Equinor, Okea and Pandion Confirm Promising Gas Discovery in Mistral Sør, Bolstering European Energy Security

(IN BRIEF) Equinor, in partnership with Okea and Pandion Energy, has confirmed a commercial gas and condensate discovery in the Mistral Sør exploration well located in the Halten area of the southern Norwegian Sea. Preliminary assessments estimate recoverable oil equivalent … Read the full press release

SGS to support Greek farming sector with a new soil and leaf tissue laboratory in Thessaloniki, Greece

(PRESS RELEASE) GENEVA, 5-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — SGS, the world’s leading testing, inspection and certification company, has announced the opening of a new soil and leaf tissue laboratory in Thessaloniki, Greece in support of the Greek farming sector. SGS has … Read the full press release

SGS apoyará al sector agrícola griego con un nuevo laboratorio de suelo y tejido foliar en Tesalónica, Grecia

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) GENEVA, 5-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — SGS, la empresa líder mundial en análisis, inspección y certificación, ha anunciado la apertura de un nuevo laboratorio de suelo y tejido foliar en Tesalónica, Grecia, en apoyo del sector agrícola griego. … Read the full press release