(IN BRIEF) ANDRITZ has secured a major order to provide authority engineering services for a 100 MW green hydrogen plant in Rostock, Germany, placed by the joint venture REPCO, which includes major energy companies such as RWE, EnBW, RheinEnergie, and … Read the full press release →
Posted in Austria, Business, Energy, Gas & Oil, Environment, Financial, Germany, Government, Industrial, Infrastructure & Utilities, Investment, Management, News, Technology
Tagged Andritz, decarbonization, electrolysis, EnBW Neue Energien GmbH, energy transition, EPC, European Hydrogen Backbone, Germany, Green Energy, GREEN HYDROGEN, Hydrogen Core Network, HydrogenPro, HyTechHafen Rostock, partnership, REPCO, RheinEnergie AG, Rostock, Rostock Port GmbH, RWE Generation SE, Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH, sustainability, sustainable future