Tag Archives: rural development

EIF Invests €25 Million in IB Deuda Impacto España to Support Sustainable Development in Spain’s SMEs

(IN BRIEF) The European Investment Fund (EIF) has committed €25 million to the IB Deuda Impacto España fund to support Spanish SMEs involved in high-impact sectors such as rural development, inclusive labor markets, climate, and sustainable agriculture. This investment, which … Read the full press release

Spanish Social Impact Fund ‘IB Deuda Impacto España’ Receives €30 Million Investment from EIF

(IN BRIEF) The European Investment Fund (EIF) has committed €30 million as a cornerstone investment in the ‘IB Deuda Impacto España’ fund, which supports Spanish businesses investing in high social impact areas. MicroBank, CaixaBank’s social arm, has also contributed €10 … Read the full press release

EC claims back €180M of EU agricultural policy funds unduly spent by Member States

19-8-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — A total of €180 million of EU agricultural policy funds, unduly spent by Member States, is being claimed back by the European Commission today under the so-called clearance of accounts procedure. However, because some of these amounts … Read the full press release

President Barroso replies to the letter he received from President of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades, regarding EU funding for Cyprus

Brussels, 16-4-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Letter from Commission President Barroso to President Anastasiades of Cyprus. “Dear President, Thank you for your letter of 9 April asking for the Commission’s support in finding ways of helping Cyprus at this difficult time of economic … Read the full press release