Tag Archives: research funding

Empa Researcher Eve Ammerman Receives Fellowship to Explore Quantum Technologies and Light Integration

(IN BRIEF) Eve Ammerman, a researcher at Empa, has received a two-year Young Scientist Fellowship to explore the intersection of quantum technologies and light. Her project seeks to enable quantum devices to communicate with existing technologies by combining nanographene molecules … Read the full press release

NWO Warns of Harmful Impact of Proposed Budget Cuts on Dutch Education and Research Sector

(IN BRIEF) This week, the Dutch Senate is deliberating the 2025 budget, which includes significant cuts to higher education and scientific research. NWO has expressed concern that these reductions will hinder the Netherlands’ ability to remain competitive as a knowledge-based … Read the full press release

Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO): more than half of the European Food Safety Authority experts have conflicts of interest

Brussels, Belgium, 1-11-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Almost 60% of experts sitting on the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) panels have direct or indirect links with industries regulated by the agency, according to an independent screening performed by Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) and … Read the full press release

EC presented its first comprehensive report on the progress of the European Research Area (ERA)

23-9-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The European Commission has today presented a first comprehensive analysis of the state of the ‘single market’ for research, or the European Research Area (ERA). The report provides a factual base for assessing progress in target areas like open and … Read the full press release