(PRESS RELEASE) ROME/ JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, 22-Dec-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — The Enel Group’s South African renewable energy subsidiary Enel Green Power RSA (EGP RSA) announces that its 140 MW Nxuba wind farm in the Eastern Cape province has successfully reached … Read the full press release →
Posted in Energy, Gas & Oil, Environment, Industrial, Infrastructure & Utilities, Italy, News, Technology
Tagged Adams, Blue Crane Route, Cookhouse, Eastern Cape, Eastern Cape province, EGP RSA, electricity grid, Enel Green Power, Enel Green Power RSA, energy transition, Eskom, Garob, Gibson Bay, Green Energy, investment, Karoo Hoogland, Karusa, Lesotho, Limpopo, Nojoli, Northern Cape, Nxuba wind farm, Oyster Bay, Paleishuewel, Pulida, Raymond Mhlaba, REIPPPP, renewable energy, renewable Independent Power Producer, renewable power plants, Salvatore Bernabei, Soetwater, solar plants, Somerset East, South Africa, The Enel Group, Tom Burke, Upington, Western Cape, wind farm