Nor-Tech, the top provider of powerful, user-friendly computers, just announced a free simulation test on a high performance computer cluster for CAE,CFD,FEA software MINNEAPOLIS, U.S., 01-Mar-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Nor-Tech, the top provider of powerful, user-friendly computers, just announced a … Read the full press release →
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Tagged Burnsville, buying new computer cluster, CAE, CAE software, Cal State Fullerton, CFD, CFD software, David Bollig, Elon Musk, FEA, FEA software, free computer simulation testing, free simulation test, high performance computer clusters, high performance computers, Hyperloop Transportation System, IceCube Neutrino Project at the South Pole, Intel Xeon CPU, Jeanna Van Rensselar, LIGO Gravitational Project, Minnesota, Nor-Tech, NVIDIA GPUs, reduce time-to-results, RESEARCH, science, servers, simulation, simulation software, simulation testing, software, supercomputers, test cluster, test computer cluster, university, upgrading computer cluster