Tag Archives: PEM

Battery Monitor 2024/2025: Global Battery Demand to Triple by 2030 as Europe Faces Price Wars and Overcapacity

(IN BRIEF) The “Battery Monitor 2024/2025” report predicts a tripling of global battery demand by 2030, reaching between 4.0 and 4.6 terawatt hours (TWh), with further growth to 8.8 TWh by 2040. The battery market is facing challenges due to … Read the full press release

Elogen Partners with Valmax for 2.5 MW PEM Electrolyser to Produce Green Hydrogen in South Korea

(IN BRIEF) Elogen, a company within the GTT group, has entered into a contract with Valmax Technology Corporation to design and manufacture a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyser with a power of 2.5 MW. The electrolyser will have a production … Read the full press release

Steigende Nachfrage im Mobilitätssektor veranlasst Linde zur Erhöhung der Wasserstoffkapazität und plant mehrere grüne Wasserstoffprojekte in den USA

(IN KÜRZE) Linde, ein führendes Industriegase- und Engineering-Unternehmen, plant, seine Produktionskapazität für grünen Wasserstoff in Ontario, Kalifornien, aufgrund der wachsenden Nachfrage auf dem Mobilitätsmarkt zu erhöhen. Linde wird einen 5-MW-PEM-Elektrolyseur bauen, besitzen und betreiben und mit der bestehenden Anlage genug … Read the full press release

Growing Demand in Mobility Sector Prompts Linde to Increase Hydrogen Capacity, Plans Multiple Green Hydrogen Projects Across the US

(IN BRIEF) Linde, a leading industrial gases and engineering company, plans to increase its green hydrogen production capacity in Ontario, California due to growing demand from the mobility market. Linde will build, own and operate a 5MW PEM electrolyzer and, … Read the full press release

Université Paris-Saclay and GTT Group’s Elogen partner over a promising technology that can produce low-carbon hydrogen

(PRESS RELEASE) LES ULIS, France, 7-Dec-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — GTT Group, an engineering company expert in containment systems with cryogenic membranes used to transport and store liquefied gas, has announced that its member company Elogen, a technological expert at the … Read the full press release