Tag Archives: Orange

Orange Cyberdefense Launches New Recruitment Drive to Meet Growing Demand for Cybersecurity Services

(IN BRIEF) Orange Cyberdefense, a European leader in cybersecurity services, has launched a recruitment campaign to hire around 800 professionals across 9 European countries where it operates until the end of 2023. The roles are available across the entire organization, … Read the full press release

Orange es pionera en la red 5G SA multinube para fábricas inteligentes y más allá

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Orange ha logrado un hito importante en su viaje hacia el software y las redes totalmente automatizadas basadas en datos con su red experimental de múltiples nubes llamada Pikeo. Esta red experimental, que es la primera de … Read the full press release

Orange pioneers multi-cloud 5G SA network for smart factories and beyond

(IN BRIEF) Orange has achieved a major milestone in its journey towards software and data-based, fully-automated networks with its experimental multi-cloud network named Pikeo. This experimental network, which is the first of its kind in Europe, has successfully run over … Read the full press release

Orange et Vodafone s’engagent à partager le réseau Open RAN en Europe rurale

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Orange et Vodafone ont convenu de construire un réseau d’accès radio ouvert (RAN) avec partage de RAN dans les régions rurales d’Europe où ils disposent tous deux de réseaux mobiles. Le projet pilote se déroulera dans une … Read the full press release

Orange and Vodafone commit to Open RAN network sharing in rural Europe

(IN BRIEF) Orange and Vodafone have agreed to build an Open Radio Access Network (RAN) with RAN sharing in rural parts of Europe where they both have mobile networks. The pilot project will take place in a rural area of … Read the full press release

Ramon Fernandez, the head of Orange Group’s finances, to step down at the end of 1Q 2023

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 20-Dec-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Orange S.A. (EPA: ORA), a French multinational telecommunications group, has announced that Ramon Fernandez, the head of the Group’s finances for the past 8 years, will step down at the end of 1Q … Read the full press release

Ramon Fernandez, Finanzchef der Orange Group, tritt Ende des 1. Quartals 2023 zurück

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) PARIS, 20-Dec-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Orange S.A. (EPA: ORA), ein französischer multinationaler Telekommunikationskonzern, hat bekannt gegeben, dass Ramon Fernandez, Leiter der Finanzabteilung der Gruppe in den letzten 8 Jahren, zum Ende des 1. Quartals 2023 zurücktreten wird. Ramon war … Read the full press release

Customers of the German telecom operator 1&1 will gain access to all international roaming services based on Orange’s worldwide roaming footprint as part of a new agreement

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 25-Nov-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Orange S.A. (EPA: ORA), a French multinational telecommunications group, has announced a new long-term agreement for the provision of international roaming services for the 1&1 mobile network. 1&1 AG, a leading telecommunications provider … Read the full press release

Los clientes del operador de telecomunicaciones alemán 1&1 obtendrán acceso a todos los servicios de roaming internacional basados en la huella de roaming mundial de Orange como parte de un nuevo acuerdo

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) PARIS, 25-Nov-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Orange S.A. (EPA: ORA), grupo multinacional francés de telecomunicaciones, ha anunciado un nuevo acuerdo a largo plazo para la prestación de servicios de roaming internacional para la red móvil 1&1. 1&1 AG, … Read the full press release

Orange cybersecurity subsidiary Orange Cyberdefense acquires two cybersecurity firms in Switzerland

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 14-Nov-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Orange S.A. (EPA: ORA), a French multinational telecommunications group, has announced that its cybersecurity business unit Orange Cyberdefense has announced the acquisition of two firms in Switzerland specialized in cybersecurity. The two acquired … Read the full press release

La filial de ciberseguridad de Orange, Orange Cyberdefense, adquiere dos empresas de ciberseguridad en Suiza

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) PARIS, 14-Nov-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Orange S.A. (EPA: ORA), grupo multinacional francés de telecomunicaciones, ha anunciado que su unidad de negocio de ciberseguridad Orange Cyberdefense ha anunciado la adquisición de dos empresas en Suiza especializadas en ciberseguridad. … Read the full press release

Leading European telecom operators pilot holographic calls

Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone together with the deep tech company MATSUKO develop easy-to-use platform for immersive 3D experiences merging virtuality with reality. Advances in connectivity, thanks to 5G and edge computing technology offered by telecom operators, make it … Read the full press release

Les principaux opérateurs de télécommunications européens pilotent des appels holographiques

Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica et Vodafone, en collaboration avec la société de technologie profonde MATSUKO, développent une plate-forme facile à utiliser pour des expériences 3D immersives fusionnant la virtualité avec la réalité. Les progrès de la connectivité, grâce à la … Read the full press release

Delphine Ernotte Cunci and Simon Segars will join Vodafone’s Board as Non-Executive Directors

(PRESS RELEASE) BERKSHIRE, 6-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Vodafone (LON: VOD), a British multinational leader in technology communications, has announced two new appointments of Non-Executive Directors to its board. The two Non-Executive Directors, Delphine Ernotte Cunci and Simon Segars, will be … Read the full press release

Delphine Ernotte Cunci et Simon Segars rejoindront le conseil d’administration de Vodafone en tant qu’administrateurs non exécutifs

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) BERKSHIRE, 6-May-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Vodafone (LON : VOD), une multinationale britannique leader dans les communications technologiques, a a annoncé deux nouvelles nominations d’administrateurs non exécutifs au sein de son conseil d’administration. Les deux administrateurs non exécutifs, Delphine … Read the full press release

3. Ausgabe des Observatory of Digital Uses befragte 17.000 Personen zu den wichtigsten Vorteilen und Hindernissen bei der Nutzung digitaler Technologien

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) PARIS, 10-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Das gab Orange SA (EPA: ORA), ein französischer multinationaler Telekommunikationskonzern, bekannt dass die 3. Ausgabe der Umfrage des Observatory of Digital Uses jetzt erschienen ist. Die Studie wurde 2018 von Orange und OpinionWay, einem … Read the full press release

The 3rd edition of the Observatory of Digital Uses surveyed 17,000 people on the main benefits and obstacles to the use of digital technologies

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 10-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Orange S.A. (EPA: ORA), a French multinational telecommunications group, has announced that the 3rd edition of the Observatory of Digital Uses survey is out now. Launched in 2018 by Orange and OpinionWay, French … Read the full press release

Orange to support Move Capital I fund in its goal of helping digital B2B startups emerge and ensure European technological sovereignty

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 4-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Orange S.A. (EPA: ORA), a French multinational telecommunications group, has announced that its holding company Orange Digital Investment will invest in the Move Capital I fund. The fund, a Kepler Cheuvreux Invest “Tech … Read the full press release

Orange Belgium to acquire majority stake in VOO SA, Walloon region’s cable network operator

(PRESS RELEASE) BRUSSELS, 23-Nov-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Orange S.A. (EPA: ORA), a French multinational telecommunications group, has announced that its subsidiary Orange Belgium has won a competitive selection process for the right to enter into exclusive negotiations with Nethys, an … Read the full press release

Eco Rating, the new labelling scheme that rates the environmental impact of new smartphones, sees more manufacturers joining its scheme and expands globally

Consumer mobile phone labelling scheme launched in 24 European countries by Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica, Telia Company and Vodafone now set to expand globally Fairphone, Realme and vivo join Eco Rating, now 15 manufacturers in total More than 150 mobile … Read the full press release