Tag Archives: Ole Thomsen

Ørsted Moves Forward with Denmark’s First Full-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage Project at Kalundborg CO2 Hub

(IN BRIEF) Ørsted has made a significant step towards the realization of Denmark’s first full-scale carbon capture and storage project, the Ørsted Kalundborg CO2 Hub, with the successful installation of key components at Avedøre and Asnæs Power Stations. This milestone … Read the full press release

Ørsted and Equinor Partner in Major Carbon Removal Deal to Drive Negative Emissions

(IN BRIEF) Ørsted has entered into an agreement with Equinor to supply 330,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) credits over ten years, as part of Ørsted’s Kalundborg CO2 Hub project. This project, starting in 2026, will capture 430,000 tonnes … Read the full press release

Ørsted’s Innovative Approach to Surplus Heat: A Win for Green District Heating

(IN BRIEF) Ørsted, a leading renewable energy company, has teamed up with Danish district heating providers VEKS and CTR to utilize surplus heat generated by a carbon capture plant at Avedøre Power Station. This surplus heat will be used to … Read the full press release

Ørsted’s Historic Carbon Capture Project in Denmark Takes Flight

(IN BRIEF) Ørsted has commenced construction on two carbon capture facilities at the Asnæs Power Station and Avedøre Power Station in Denmark, marking the country’s inaugural full-scale carbon capture endeavor. This project, backed by a 20-year contract from the Danish … Read the full press release

Ørsted to set carbon capture goals at its wood chip-fired combined heat and power plants

(PRESS RELEASE) FREDERICIA, 13-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Ørsted (CPH: ORSTED), a Danish leading operator of offshore and onshore wind farms, solar farms, energy storage facilities, and bioenergy plants, has announced a new 2025 goal of capturing and storing 400,000 tonnes … Read the full press release

Ørsted setzt sich Ziele für die CO2-Abscheidung in seinen mit Holzschnitzeln befeuerten Blockheizkraftwerken

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) FREDERICIA, 13-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Ørsted (CPH: ORSTED), ein führender dänischer Betreiber von Offshore- und Onshore-Windparks, Solarparks, Energiespeicheranlagen und Bioenergieanlagen, hat dies bekannt gegeben ein neues Ziel für 2025, 400.000 Tonnen Kohlenstoff pro Jahr abzuscheiden und zu speichern, basierend … Read the full press release