Tag Archives: offshore

EnBW Initiates Submarine Cabling for He Dreiht, Advancing Germany’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm

(IN BRIEF) EnBW has initiated the installation of the first of 64 submarine cables for the He Dreiht offshore wind farm, connecting its 64 turbines with 100 kilometers of cable. Executed by Seaway7 using two installation vessels, the project involves … Read the full press release

Fincantieri Signs Strategic Partnerships in Saudi Arabia to Advance Maritime Innovation and Cybersecurity

(IN BRIEF) Fincantieri has signed several MoUs in Saudi Arabia to expand its presence in the region, following the establishment of Fincantieri Arabia for Naval Services in 2024. These agreements focus on advancing innovation, sustainability, and industrial development, aligning with … Read the full press release

SEB Joins Investment in Copenhagen Energy Islands for Offshore Renewable Energy Expansion

(IN BRIEF) SEB has announced its investment in Copenhagen Energy Islands, a new development company by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), dedicated to creating energy islands globally. These large-scale offshore energy hubs are poised to play a crucial role in the … Read the full press release

Fincantieri’s Vard Secures €230 Million Contract to Build Cable-Laying Vessel for Prysmian Group

(IN BRIEF) Vard, a subsidiary of the Fincantieri Group, has secured a contract worth approximately €230 million from Prysmian Group, a global leader in energy and telecoms systems, to design and build a cable-laying vessel. This vessel, the third in … Read the full press release

New ARES 65 Fast Crew Transfer Vessels by BMT and ARES Set to Enhance Offshore Logistics

(IN BRIEF) BMT and ARES have partnered to introduce the ARES 65 Fast Crew Transfer Vessels (FCTV), designed for Turkish Petroleum’s offshore personnel transfer and logistics. These 20-meter vessels, constructed from lightweight aluminum, can reach a top speed of 47 … Read the full press release

AFRY Collaborates with Malta to Drive Offshore Renewable Energy Expansion

(IN BRIEF) AFRY is actively supporting Malta’s ambitious plans to expand its offshore renewable energy capacity. The company is engaged in technical and commercial tasks for Interconnect Malta (ICM), a state-owned entity responsible for energy infrastructure projects. AFRY’s efforts aim … Read the full press release

La adquisición de BLIX fortalece la posición de AFRY como líder mundial en transición de energía limpia

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) AFRY, una empresa sueca de ingeniería y diseño, ha adquirido la consultora holandesa de energías renovables BLIX para ampliar su presencia y experiencia en la industria de la energía eólica. BLIX se especializa en soluciones de energía … Read the full press release

BLIX acquisition strengthens AFRY’s position as a global leader in clean energy transition

(IN BRIEF) AFRY, a Swedish engineering and design company, has acquired Dutch renewable energy consultancy firm BLIX to expand its presence and expertise in the wind energy industry. BLIX specializes in renewable energy solutions and has a strong position in … Read the full press release

Der Energiedienstleister Expro erwirbt den Zementierungsspezialisten DeltaTek Global

(IN KÜRZE) Expro, ein führender Energiedienstleister, erweitert sein Angebot durch die Übernahme von DeltaTek Global, einem Spezialisten für Zementierung im Brunnenbau. Der Umzug wird die Fähigkeiten und das Technologieportfolio von Expro im Bohrlochbausektor verbessern und gleichzeitig die internationalen Wachstumsambitionen von … Read the full press release

Energy services provider Expro acquires cementing specialists DeltaTek Global

(IN BRIEF) Expro, a leading energy services provider, expands its offering with the acquisition of DeltaTek Global, a well construction cementing specialist. The move will enhance Expro’s capabilities and technology portfolio within the well construction sector, while also supporting DeltaTek’s … Read the full press release

ABL garantizará la construcción segura y eficiente de dos importantes proyectos eólicos marinos franceses

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) La oficina de París de ABL Group ganó contratos para proporcionar servicios de inspección de garantía marina para el desarrollo de dos parques eólicos marinos franceses con una capacidad combinada de casi 1 GW. ABL revisará y … Read the full press release

ABL to Ensure Safe and Efficient Construction of Two Major French Offshore Wind Projects

(IN BRIEF) ABL Group’s Paris office has won contracts to provide marine warranty survey services for the development of two French offshore wind farms with a combined capacity of nearly 1 GW. ABL will review and approve operations for substation … Read the full press release

Wood PLC signs $350 million contract with bp to drive higher efficiency and productivity across their offshore portfolio

(PRESS RELEASE) ABERDEEN, 28-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Wood PLC, one of the world’s leading consulting and engineering companies operating across Energy and the Built Environment, has announced the signature of a $350 million contract with bp, a British multinational oil … Read the full press release

Wood PLC unterzeichnet einen Vertrag über 350 Millionen US-Dollar mit bp, um die Effizienz und Produktivität des gesamten Offshore-Portfolios zu steigern

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) ABERDEEN, 28-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Wood PLC, eines der weltweit führenden Beratungs- und Ingenieurunternehmen, das in den Bereichen Energie und the Built Environment, hat die Unterzeichnung eines 350-Millionen-Dollar-Vertrags mit bp, einem britischen multinationalen Öl- und Gasunternehmen, bekannt gegeben, das … Read the full press release

Borealis’ new Super Low Sag (SLS) black polyethylene PE100-RC pressure pipe material will be used in a major pipeline project in Spain

Tailored polymer architecture and low melt flow rate of newly launched BorSafe™ HE3490-SLS-H prevents sagging and offers very high Slow Crack Growth (SCG) resistance Borealis selected for major pipeline project on basis of proven track record of professional execution, focus … Read the full press release

Das neue PE100-RC-Druckrohrmaterial aus schwarzem PE100-RC-Polyethylen von Borealis (Super Low Sag) wird bei einem großen Pipeline-Projekt in Spanien zum Einsatz kommen

Maßgeschneiderte Polymerarchitektur und niedrige Schmelzflussrate des neu eingeführten BorSafe™ HE3490-SLS-H verhindern „Sagging“ und bieten äußerst hohe Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen langsames Risswachstum (SCG) Borealis wurde aufgrund seiner Bilanz von erfolgreich ausgeführten Projekten, dem Fokus auf höchste Qualität und die effiziente Prozessausrichtung für … Read the full press release

Shell takes a final investment decision (FID) for the development of the Rosmari-Marjoram gas project in Malaysia, a deepwater sour gas field discovered in 2014

(PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 5-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Shell plc (AMS: RDSA), a Dutch-British multinational oil and gas company, has announced its final investment decision (FID) for the development of the Rosmari-Marjoram gas project in Sarawak, Malaysia, a number of deepwater … Read the full press release

Shell trifft eine endgültige Investitionsentscheidung (FID) für die Entwicklung des Rosmari-Majoram-Gasprojekts in Malaysia, einem 2014 entdeckten Tiefsee-Sauergasfeld

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) LONDON, 5-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Shell plc (AMS: RDSA), ein niederländisch-britisches multinationales Öl- und Gasunternehmen hat seine endgültige Investitionsentscheidung (FID) für die Entwicklung des Rosmari-Majoram-Gasprojekts in Sarawak, Malaysia, bekannt gegeben, einer Reihe von Tiefsee-Sauergasfeldern, die 2014 entdeckt wurden. Das … Read the full press release

Wood’s subsea and pipeline engineering team in Norway to provide detailed design of subsea pipelines for Halten Øst project of Equinor

(PRESS RELEASE) ABERDEEN, 30-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Wood PLC, one of the world’s leading consulting and engineering companies operating across Energy and the Built Environment, has announced that its pipeline engineering team in Norway will provide detailed design of subsea … Read the full press release

Das Unterwasser- und Pipeline-Engineering-Team von Wood in Norwegen liefert den detaillierten Entwurf der Unterwasser-Pipelines für das Halten Øst-Projekt von Equinor

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) ABERDEEN, 30-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Wood PLC, eines der weltweit führenden Beratungs- und Ingenieurunternehmen, das in den Bereichen Energie und the Built Environment, hat bekannt gegeben, dass sein Pipeline-Engineering-Team in Norwegen die detaillierte Planung von Unterwasserpipelines für das Halten … Read the full press release