Tag Archives: medical school

University of Bristol Study Reveals Cortisol Rise Happens Before Waking, Not After

(IN BRIEF) A new study from the University of Bristol has challenged the long-standing belief that waking up triggers a spike in cortisol, the body’s stress hormone. Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the research shows that cortisol … Read the full press release

The University of Exeter Medical School recognised students and staff achievements

EXETER, 05-Oct-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — The University of Exeter Medical School has recognised some of its excellent students and staff for their academic achievements during the 5th Annual awards evening. Some of Exeter’s best and brightest from across the Medicine, Medical … Read the full press release

First doctors trained by Newcastle University’s medical school in Johor, Malaysia to graduate on 28 June 2014

Newcastle, UK, 23-6-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — The first doctors to have been trained by a UK university campus overseas are preparing to graduate from Newcastle University’s medical school in Johor, Malaysia. In 2011, Newcastle became the first UK University to establish a … Read the full press release