Tag Archives: Media

WPP: Wunderman and J. Walter Thompson will unite to form Wunderman Thompson, a creative, data and technology agency

LONDON, 28-Nov-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — WPP today announced that Wunderman and J. Walter Thompson will unite to form Wunderman Thompson, a creative, data and technology agency built to inspire growth for its clients. The new organisation will be distinctively positioned as … Read the full press release

Volkswagen selects WPP as its lead creative partner in North America

LONDON, 28-Nov-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Volkswagen has named WPP as its lead creative partner in North America following a competitive review. Responding to VW’s emphasis on expertise in technology alongside outstanding creativity, WPP put forward a cross-company and multi-disciplinary team comprising … Read the full press release

Dan Miodownik succeeds Francis Tellier as CEO of Host Broadcast Services

Dan Miodownik named CEO as of 1 November Zug, Switzerland, 23-Oct-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — After more than 40 years in the broadcast industry and nearly 20 years as CEO of Host Broadcast Services (HBS), Francis Tellier is retiring as CEO from … Read the full press release

Ströer announces strategic sale of its Turkish out-of-home media business to Turkish co-shareholder

COLOGNE, 11-Oct-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Ströer successfully sold its Turkish out-of-home media business. The former co-shareholder Murat Ilbak acquired the 90% shareholding in Ströer Kentvizyon for a transaction value of around EUR 15m. The Turkish business has not been part of … Read the full press release

Settlement of litigations between RCS & RDS S.A. and Antena Group entities

BUCHAREST, Romania, 18-Jun-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — The Company would like to inform its shareholders and the market that RCS & RDS S.A., the Romanian subsidiary of the Company (“RCS&RDS”), entered on 15 June 2018 into a settlement agreement with Antena TV … Read the full press release

Lagardère group in exclusive negotiations with Czech Media Invest for the sale of its magazine titles in France

PARIS, 23-Apr-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — The Lagardère group announces that it has entered into exclusive negotiations with Czech Media Invest in order to sell its magazine titles in France, including Elle and its various extensions including online presence of Elle France, Version Femina, Art … Read the full press release

MTG to sell its 95% stake in Nova Broadcasting Group Jsc. in Bulgaria to PPF Group

STOCKHOLM, 21-Feb-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — MTG has signed an agreement to sell its 95% shareholding in Nova Broadcasting Group Jsc. (“Nova”) in Bulgaria to PPF Group, the investment company controlled by Petr Kellner. The transaction values 100% of the business at … Read the full press release

EBU Director General Noel Curran: Trust levels for public service media, particularly on TV and Radio, are increasing

Le Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland, 15-Feb-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — On March 4th, Swiss citizens will decide through a public vote whether to abolish the licence fee, previously collected through the company Billag (hence the initiative’s name “NoBillag”). The current Swiss media system is … Read the full press release

CERN: new edition of the Collide International award in partnership with UK’s leading media arts centre Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (FACT)

GENEVA/LIVERPOOL, 19-Dec-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Today (18 Dec 2017), Arts at CERN has announced a new edition of the Collide International award, in partnership with the UK’s leading media arts centre, FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology). The competition is … Read the full press release

Public event on mental health and the media at the University of Leicester on Tuesday 21 November

Free public event at University of Leicester on 21 November LEICESTER, 06-Nov-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Mental health issues and their depiction on film and TV will be discussed at a public event at the University of Leicester on Tuesday 21 November. … Read the full press release

La Via della Seta su Binari: I Treni Blocco Cina-Europa

Un nuovo servizio di merci su rotaia che collega le imprese italiane con le opportunità imprenditoriali dell’Asia Centrale e della Cina. PECHINO, Cina, 13-Sep-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — La notizia più importante del giorno, nel continente Cinese, è il lancio della … Read the full press release

Bankinter CEO María Dolores Dancausa named best Ibex CEO in 2013 by Forbes Magazine

Creation of shareholder value, ability to raise funds on the markets and diversification of activities were among the main criteria. Madrid, Spain, 7-1-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — The chief executive of Bankinter, María Dolores Dancausa, has been selected by Forbes Magazine as the … Read the full press release

EC clears Central European Media Enterprises / Time Warner acquisition deal

Brussels, 14-6-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of Central European Media Enterprises (“CME”), based in Bermuda, by Time Warner of the United States. The Commission’s investigation confirmed that the proposed transaction … Read the full press release

Neelie Kroes: The Future of Media

Neelie Kroes – Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda Future Media Lab. Annual Conference by EMMA (European Magazine Media Association) / Brussels Brussels, 26-4-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — To add your comment to this speech, see the social version of … Read the full press release