Tag Archives: materials science

BMW Group Expands Quantum Computing Research to Drive Innovation in Automotive Design and Manufacturing

(IN BRIEF) BMW Group is expanding its quantum computing efforts, having already initiated research into this advanced technology since 2017. Quantum computing has the potential to significantly impact materials science, engineering, and logistics, and is expected to play a key … Read the full press release

Empa Researchers Create 3D-Printed Biodegradable Fungal Battery for Sustainable Power Solutions

(IN BRIEF) Empa researchers have developed a groundbreaking 3D-printed, biodegradable fungal battery, capable of powering sensors for agriculture and research in remote regions. This living battery uses two types of fungi, a yeast fungus and a white rot fungus, to … Read the full press release

Montachem International Enters Compostable Materials Market with Seaweed Resins Company Loliware

PARTNERSHIP TO MAKE SEAWEED RESINS WIDELY AVAILABLE, LAUNCH LOLIWARE IN EUROPE (IN BRIEF) Montachem International is partnering with Loliware, a U.S.-based materials science company, to venture into the compostable materials market using seaweed resins. This move introduces Loliware’s innovative seaweed-based … Read the full press release

Sustainable Composites Made from Livestock Dung Could Revolutionize Materials Science

(IN BRIEF) A new study from Scotland’s Rural College, the universities of Bristol and Edinburgh reviewed recent research into the development of high-value materials made from ruminant animal dung. Despite being a source of biogas and fertilizer, dung has been … Read the full press release

Université Paris-Saclay and GTT Group’s Elogen partner over a promising technology that can produce low-carbon hydrogen

(PRESS RELEASE) LES ULIS, France, 7-Dec-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — GTT Group, an engineering company expert in containment systems with cryogenic membranes used to transport and store liquefied gas, has announced that its member company Elogen, a technological expert at the … Read the full press release