Tag Archives: Marbach

EnBW to Launch 100 MW Battery Storage Facility in Marbach to Support Renewable Energy Integration

(IN BRIEF) EnBW is set to build a large-scale battery storage facility in Marbach, southern Germany, with a capacity of 100 megawatt-hours and an output of 100 megawatts, enough to power around 12,500 households for one day. The facility will … Read the full press release

EnBW appeals BNetzA’s decision against the closure of four power plant units in Marbach and Walheim

Karlsruhe, Germany, 21-1-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Karlsruhe. EnBW has received notification from the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) that its application to close four power plant units in Marbach and Walheim has been declined. These power plant units are “system-relevant” according to the … Read the full press release

EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG announced plans to shut conventional power plant units with total output of 668MW in Marbach and Walheim

Timing depends on review of system relevance by transmission system operators in coordination with Federal Network Agency Karlsruhe, 23-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Following extensive reviews of the commercial efficiency of its conventional power plant park, EnBW plans to shut down a … Read the full press release