Tag Archives: loan

KfW signs EUR 200 million loan agreement with Rural Electrification Corporate Limited for developing the power supply in rural India

Credit line for EUR 200 million Increased energy generation capacity based on solar and wind power Additional power supply for over 270,000 Indian homes Improved environmental and social standards Frankfurt am Main, 16-Aug-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — On behalf of the German … Read the full press release

EBRD provides US$ 15 million loan to a major manufacturer and supplier of retails stores equipment Modern-Expo Group

LONDON, 06-Aug-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — The EBRD is supporting operations of one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of fixtures and equipment for retail stores and warehouses in central and eastern Europe by providing it with a seven-year loan of US$15 … Read the full press release

EBRD loans €25 million to QNB Finans Finansal Kiralama A.S. for energy efficiency investments

€25 million loan to support leasing finance for energy efficiency investments EBRD promotes leasing as a tool to address financing needs of Turkish enterprises Financing is part of a larger facility backed by the European Union LONDON, 25-Jul-2018 — /EuropaWire/ … Read the full press release

EBRD, EIB and EU Commission to support the modernisation of Zagreb’s electricity and heat supply

Loans totalling €130 million will finance investments in new electricity and heat cogeneration units in Zagreb to replace outdated oil- and gas-fired turbines and boilers EBRD, EIB and EU Commission join forces to support Croatia’s energy company HEP Modern and environmentally friendly system to benefit population … Read the full press release

KfW to provide EUR 35 million in support of food security for refugees and returning IDPs in Democratic Republic of the Congo

EUR 35 million for small farmers in North and South Kivu Securing the food supply for 180,000 people Reintegrating returning internally displaced persons (IDPs) Generating sources of income for the population Frankfurt am Main, 09-May-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — On behalf of … Read the full press release

The Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation loans USD 2 million to FINCA Microfinance Company Jordan for on-lending to MSMEs

Credit facility will help drive financial inclusion by expanding access to working capital loans Montrouge, France, 13-Apr-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — The Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation will provide a USD 2 million loan to FINCA Microfinance Company Jordan (FINCA Jordan), a FINCA … Read the full press release

EBRD loans €5 million to microfinance provider MKF Partner in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Loan to microfinance provider MKF Partner will be invested in residential sector EBRD loan of up to €5 million to MKF Partner, a microfinance institution Energy efficiency loans to residents and vendors of green technology Increasing availability of finance to … Read the full press release

EBRD and ING Romania to loan EUR 96 million to logistics park CTPark near by Bucharest

EBRD and ING financing supports resource-efficient warehouses LONDON, 26-Mar-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — The EBRD and ING Romania are joining forces to finance the logistics park CTPark, situated on the A1 Bucharest-Pitesti motorway and 2 km away from the Romanian capital. The financiers have … Read the full press release

Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) to provide EUR 300 million to the Nederlandse Waterschapsbank N.V. for infrastructure, social housing and energy efficiency in Netherlands

PARIS, 22-Mar-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) approved a €300 million loan to the Nederlandse Waterschapsbank N.V.(NWB Bank) in order to finance public infrastructure, social housing and energy efficiency investments across the Netherlands.  NWB Bank provides loans to … Read the full press release

NIB to loan EUR 42 million to Tine SA for the construction of its new dairy in Bergen, Norway

NIB and the Norwegian dairy company Tine SA have signed a loan agreement of NOK 400 million (EUR 42 million), with a 12-year maturity, on financing the construction of Tine’s new dairy in Bergen, Norway. In order to save energy, waste … Read the full press release

Dutch development bank FMO loans USD 10 million to microfinance organisation VisionFund International (VFI)

THE HAGUE, 13-Mar-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — FMO, the Dutch development bank, has provided a five-year loan of USD 10 million to VisionFund International (VFI), a global microfinance organisation. This transaction will benefit the end clients of VFI’s microfinance institutions (MFIs) … Read the full press release

FMO: USD 100 million syndicated loan in support of agribusiness in Nigeria

The HAGUE, 13-Feb-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Access Bank Plc announced that it has signed a Syndicated Loan Agreement totaling USD 100 million. The credit line has been arranged by FMO, together with Proparco, the French private sector development bank, Norfund (Norwegian … Read the full press release

Dutch development bank FMO to support Argentina’s micro and small-to-medium sized enterprises (MSMEs)

THE HAGUE, 16-Jan-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Banco Comafi has received a US$20 million investment from the Dutch development bank FMO to support Argentina’s new business sector in line with pro-market reforms implemented by the country’s elected government. The bank is the first Argentinian lender … Read the full press release

NIB to loan EUR 201 million to Swedavia AB for new pier at Stockholm Arlanda Airport

HELSINKI, 26-Dec-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — NIB and the Swedish airport operator Swedavia AB have signed a loan agreement of SEK 2 billion (EUR 201 million) for the construction of a new pier at Stockholm Arlanda Airport, outside Stockholm, Sweden. The ten-year … Read the full press release

Barclays, HSBC and RBS loan €165 million for new Center Parcs constructed in County Longford, Ireland

LONDON, 18-Dec-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Barclays Corporate Banking has arranged a €165 million bank financing facility for a new Center Parcs which is being constructed in County Longford in the Republic of Ireland. Barclays acted as Co-ordinator, Agent and Security … Read the full press release

P2P Investment Loan Platform Enters Blockchain Sector with ICO Launch

Essex, UK, 05-Dec-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Fast Invest is excited to announce the launch of its native cryptocurrency token (FIT) during their upcoming ICO launched on December 4th. The FinTech company has been operating since 2015 in the investment loan … Read the full press release

Rockcastle to refinance three shopping centres in Poland with loan from pbb, Helaba and ING Bank

Munich/Frankfurt/Warsaw/London, 21-Sep-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank, Helaba and ING Bank have jointly underwritten an investment facility, totalling € 163.6 million, to refinance Karolinka, Pogoria and Platan Shopping Centres in Poland. The assets are owned by Rockcastle Global Real Estate … Read the full press release

Eesti Pank Economist Mari Tamm: Loan and lease portfolio of Estonian companies and households in July 2016 5.3% larger than a year earlier

The loan and lease portfolio continued to increase relatively quickly in July, growing by 5% over the year The average interest rate on loans has risen slightly in recent months The volume of deposits was 7.3% larger in July than … Read the full press release

PAO Sovcomflot (SCF Group) and VTB Bank sign USD 260 million 13-year loan agreement to finance Arctic LNG tanker for the Yamal LNG project

Saint Petersburg, Russia, 20-Jun-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — On 17 June 2016, as part of the 20th International Economic Forum in Saint Petersburg, PAO Sovcomflot (“SCF Group”) and VTB Bank signed a USD 260 million 13-year loan agreement. The signatories were Sergey … Read the full press release

NIB signs 20-year loan programme with the City of Bergen, Norway to improve its wastewater

Bergen, Norway, 17-Jun-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — NIB has signed a 20-year loan programme with the City of Bergen, Norway, to improve its wastewater-, and possibly, drinking water infrastructure. The loan programme consists of two tranches, of which a NOK 1,000 million … Read the full press release