EINDHOVEN, 06-Dec-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Sponsh, an Eindhoven University of Technology spin-off that develops a temperature-sensitive textile which produces water from the air, has been voted the best chemical start-up of 2018. It is the third consecutive year that a TU/e … Read the full press release →
Posted in Awards, Chemicals, Education, Netherlands, Science, Small Business, Technology
Tagged Catarina Esteves, CHAINS 2018, chemical, chemical start-up, Dr. Cristianne Rijcken, Dr. Koen Nickmans, Dr. Peter Berben, Emiel Hensen, Leon Joore, Lourens Bout, Lusoco, Michael Boot, Michael Debije, Panos Kouris, Prof. Floris Rutjes, spinoff, Sponsh, startup, textile, Vertoro, WATER