Tag Archives: KfW IPEX-Bank

KfW IPEX-Bank to finance the construction of the most efficient power plant in Southeast Asia

Hermes-covered loan of USD 265 million State-of-the-art power plant construction in the Philippines Key German technology from Siemens facilitates lower-CO2 energy production at optimal efficiency Frankfurt, Germany, 11-7-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — KfW IPEX-Bank is financing the construction of a 414 MW combined cycle … Read the full press release

Sovcomflot’s $316m project financing transaction received “The Project Financing Deal of the Year” award

Saint Petersburg, Russia, 5-3-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Sovcomflot’s $316-mln project financing transaction is recognized by the international shipping magazine Marine Money as one of the best financial transactions in 2013 and receives “The Project Financing Deal of the Year” award. The 10 … Read the full press release

Munich-based Railpool GmbH appointed Torsten Lehnert and Thorsten Priebe to its management team

Hamburg, Kiel Frankfurt, Munich, Germany, 09-10-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The Munich-based Railpool GmbH is expanding its management team. The two shareholders of the company, HSH Nordbank and KfW IPEX-Bank, have appointed Torsten Lehnert and Thorsten Priebe to the management team as at … Read the full press release

KfW IPEX-Bank to finance Düsseldorf Airport infrastructure modernisation

EUR 50 million loan for Germany’s third largest airport Bank supports modernisation of infrastructure Measures to enable handling of large aircraft 24-4-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — KfW IPEX-Bank is providing a EUR 50 million loan to allow Düsseldorf Airport to modernise its … Read the full press release

KfW IPEX-Bank increased its credit business by EUR 1.4b to EUR 12.9b in 2012

Balance sheet 2012: KfW IPEX-Bank holds steady course Increase in new commitments in original credit business to EUR 12.9 billion Contribution to ensuring KfW’s promotional capacity: Subsidiary KfW IPEX-Bank generates EUR 298 million of KfW’s consolidated earnings Operating income of … Read the full press release