Tag Archives: Kesko

NIB and Kesko Sign €150 Million Sustainability-Linked Loan to Cut Emissions and Food Waste

(IN BRIEF) NIB and Kesko have signed a €150 million, 7-year sustainability-linked loan aimed at reducing Kesko’s greenhouse gas emissions and food waste. The loan’s interest rate is tied to Kesko’s progress on three key performance indicators: a 90% reduction … Read the full press release

911 B shares (KESBV) returned to Kesko without consideration in accordance with Kesko’s three-year share-based compensation plan

28-8-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — A total of 911 B shares (KESBV) have been returned to Kesko Corporation without consideration in accordance with the terms of Kesko’s three-year share-based compensation plan. The shares had initially been transferred to a person included in the target group … Read the full press release

K-food stores cashback service expanded to cover the whole of Finland

2-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — In connection with their card purchases, customers can withdraw up to 200 euros with the debit cards of all Finnish banks. No minimum limit has been set for withdrawals. A service fee of 50 cents is charged … Read the full press release