Tag Archives: Kadri Simson

EIB and Intesa Sanpaolo Unveil €8 Billion Wind Energy Investment Initiative to Boost European Renewable Energy Sector

(IN BRIEF) The EIB and Intesa Sanpaolo have partnered to drive up to €8 billion in investment for Europe’s wind energy sector, leveraging a €500 million EIB counter-guarantee to enable Intesa Sanpaolo to create €1 billion worth of bank guarantees. … Read the full press release

European Union Celebrates Second Anniversary of Ukraine-Moldova Electricity Grid Synchronisation Amidst Ongoing Support

(IN BRIEF) Today marks the second anniversary of the synchronisation of Ukraine’s and Moldova’s electricity grids with the Continental European Network, a critical achievement in light of concerns over energy security following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Completed in … Read the full press release

EIB Group Forum Highlights European Resilience and Investment Priorities

(IN BRIEF) The second edition of the EIB Group Forum in Luxembourg convened senior policymakers, business leaders, academics, and civil society representatives to discuss EU policy priorities and challenges amidst global instability. EIB President Nadia Calviño emphasized the role of … Read the full press release

Iberdrola’s Chairman Advocates Energy Storage and Local Community Involvement for Renewable Expansion at Davos Forum

(IN BRIEF) Ignacio Galán, the Executive Chairman of Iberdrola, stressed the significance of energy storage in accelerating investments in renewables during his participation in the Davos Forum session on tripling renewables. Galán emphasized the need for investments in electricity distribution … Read the full press release

European Industry Leaders Gather to Accelerate Electricity Grid Development for Energy Transition

(IN BRIEF) Over 200 European industry leaders convened at the ENTSO-E High-Level Forum on Future of Our Grids in Brussels to discuss the challenges and opportunities for accelerating the development of electricity grids necessary for Europe’s energy transition. The forum, … Read the full press release

The Solas Sustainable Energy Fund ICAV (SSEF) now has €220 million in committed capital  aimed at supporting energy efficiency and renewable energy projects across the European Union

SSEF, backed by its cornerstone investors including MEAG (the asset manager of Munich Re and ERGO) and the EIB, and supported by the EU LIFE Programme, is providing financing for much-needed energy efficiency and behind-the-meter renewable energy projects across the … Read the full press release

Der Solas Sustainable Energy Fund ICAV (SSEF) verfügt jetzt über 220 Millionen € an gebundenem Kapital mit dem Ziel, Energieeffizienz- und erneuerbare Energieprojekte in der gesamten Europäischen Union zu unterstützen

SSEF, das von seinen Hauptinvestoren, darunter MEAG (der Vermögensverwalter von Munich Re und ERGO) und der EIB, unterstützt und vom EU-LIFE-Programm unterstützt wird, stellt Finanzierungen für dringend benötigte Energieeffizienz- und erneuerbare Energieprojekte hinter dem Zähler bereit die Europäische Union. Die … Read the full press release