Two new research journals published from the United Kingdom have been launched Tadworth, Surrey, United Kingdom, 11-May-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — After successful launch of Scientific European® (a popular science magazine) early this year, UK Education Consultancy Services Ltd announced the … Read the full press release →
Posted in Education, Internet & Online, Media, News, Science, Society, United Kingdom
Tagged anthropology, archaeology, Articles, behavioural sciences, Biological Sciences, chemical sciences, computer sciences, Criminology, cultural studies, demography, developmental studies, earth sciences, Economics, Education, EJS, EJSS, engineering sciences, Environmental Sciences, European Journal of Sciences, European Journal of Social Sciences, gender studies, geography, gerontology, history, international studies, ISSN 2516-8150, ISSN 2516-8169, ISSN 2516-8525, ISSN 2516-8533, Journals, linguistics, mathematical sciences, media studies, philosophy, physical sciences, political sciences, Psychology, Public Administration, RESEARCH, research journals, rural and urban studies, science, Scientific European, social sciences, social work, sociology, Surrey, sustainability studies, Tadworth, UK Education Consultancy Services, Umesh Prasad