Aegex Tablets Gain ATEX and IECEx Zone 1 Certification LONDON, 8-12-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — The world’s first intrinsically safe, Windows 10, Intel-based tablet, developed by Aegex Technologies LLC, has gained certification for use in hazardous locations in Europe and multiple international regions, including the Middle East, Africa and … Read the full press release →
Posted in Defence, Electronics & Machinery, Energy, Gas & Oil, Industrial, Infrastructure & Utilities, Metals and Minerals, News, Security & Safety, Technology, Telecom, United Kingdom
Tagged Aegex, Aegex Tablets, Aegex Technologies LLC, Aegex10, Africa, Asia-Pacific, ATEX Directive, ATEX Zone 1 Certification, certified intrinsically safe, CSA 22.2, European Directive 94/9/EC, flammable gases, Hazardous, Hazardous Locations, HazLoc operations, highly explosive environments, IECEx 60079-11, IECEx Zone 1 Certification, industrial tablets, Kevin Smith, Leigh Villegas, Middle East, tablets, UL 913, vapors, Windows 10 Tablet