Tag Archives: IKEA

IKEA rolls out home insurance in Switzerland and Singapore in partnership with white-label insurance digital platform iptiQ

IKEA rolls out home insurance in Switzerland and Singapore in partnership with white-label insurance digital platform iptiQ

(PRESS RELEASE) ZURICH, 18-Feb-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — Swiss Re owned white-label insurance provider iptiQ partners with IKEA over making home insurance more accessible and affordable. The two companies will launch a home insurance offering called HEMSÄKER, which can be arranged … Read the full press release

Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) take on digital transformation in Capgemini Research Institute’s latest Digital Transformation Review

(PRESS RELEASE) PARIS, 12-Feb-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — The latest Digital Transformation Review by Capgemini Research Institute looks into what lessons can be learnt from the leaders in the digital transformation. The publication is titled “Taking digital transformation to the next level: Lessons from … Read the full press release

Iberdrola and IKEA partner to promote sustainable mobility in Spain

IKEA will offer free charging stations for electric cars and supply 100% renewable green energy at its stores and corporate buildings in 2019 The agreement forms part of the Iberdrola Sustainable Mobility Plan, which provides for the installation in Spain … Read the full press release

Alpiq Group’s Helion Solar to sell photovoltaic systems under the “good-E” brand at IKEA’s Swiss furniture stores

ZURICH, 24-Aug-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — Helion Solar, an Alpiq Group company, is the partner of IKEA Switzerland for consulting, sales and installation of photovoltaic systems. These will be sold under the “good-E” brand at IKEA’s Swiss furniture stores. The goal behind … Read the full press release

Postbank / IKEA co-branded credit card is the best banking product for 2012 in Bulgaria

16-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The co-branded credit card of Postbank and IKEA store is the best banking product for 2012 in the opinion of a competent international jury and the best card product for 2012 based on the online voting on … Read the full press release