Tag Archives: IEA

Moeve and Bio-Oils Energy Advance €1.2 Billion SAF Project in Spain with Alfa Laval Technology

(IN BRIEF) Moeve, in partnership with Bio-Oils Energy and supported by Alfa Laval technology, is advancing a €1.2 billion SAF production project in Spain. The new facility in Huelva, set to produce 500,000 tonnes of SAF and renewable diesel annually, … Read the full press release

Neuer Bericht: 10 Maßnahmen, die die Industrie jetzt ergreifen kann, um Energiekosten und CO2-Emissionen zu reduzieren

 Industrielle Verbraucher können ihre Energieeffizienz gemäss unabhängigem Bericht durch zehn Massnahmen umgehend verbessern Dank verbesserter Energieeffizienz lassen sich Energiekosten und Emissionen bei gleichbleibender Produktivität kurz- und mittelfristig deutlich senken Als weltweit grösste Verbraucherin von Strom, Erdgas und Kohle ist die … Read the full press release

New report: 10 actions industry can take right now to reduce energy costs and carbon emissions

Independent report highlights 10 actions to help industrial users improve their energy efficiency right now Improving energy efficiency will reduce energy bills and emissions substantially in the short- to mid-term, without compromising productivity Industry is the world’s largest consumer of … Read the full press release

Nuevo informe: 10 acciones que la industria puede tomar ahora mismo para reducir los costos de energía y las emisiones de carbono

Un informe independiente destaca 10 acciones para ayudar a los usuarios industriales a mejorar su eficiencia energética ahora mismo Mejorar la eficiencia energética reducirá sustancialmente las facturas de energía y las emisiones a corto y mediano plazo, sin comprometer la … Read the full press release

Total and IFPEN to accelerate the deployment of CCUS technologies, key solution for cutting CO2 emissions

(PRESS RELEASE) COURBEVOIE, France, 9-Jul-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — IFP Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN) and Total sign strategic R&D partnership. The €40 million partnership covers a period of five years includes an agreement to endow a chair at the IFP School, on … Read the full press release

EBRD, IEA, FAO and Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources host workshop in Istanbul for energy efficiency, renewable energy and other low-carbon technologies

Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources hosts workshop for post-Soviet and southern and eastern Mediterranean countries LONDON, 19-6-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — Energy efficiency, renewable energy and other low-carbon technologies are the focus of a joint workshop by the European … Read the full press release