Tag Archives: human rights

Neste holds its Capital Markets Day 2021 as a webcast on 23 September 2021: strategy execution, market outlook, updated strategic targets

(PRESS RELEASE) ESPOO, 23-Sep-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Neste (HEL: NESTE), the world’s leading provider of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel and the 4th most sustainable company in the world, has announced its Capital Markets Day 2021 held as a … Read the full press release

Ahlström Collective Impact to invest EUR 600,000 in UNICEF’s Global Education Program

(PRESS RELEASE) HELSINKI, 16-Sep-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Ahlstrom-Munksjö (HEL: AM1), a global leader in fiber-based materials, has announced that Ahlström Collective Impact (ACI), a joint responsibility initiative by a group of companies and foundations, has decided to make an investment … Read the full press release

“Responsible Lithium Partnership” established to improve natural resource management in Chile

Volkswagen Group, BASF, Daimler AG, and Fairphone fund the initiative at its inception GIZ to initiate a participatory process, inviting all relevant actors in the Salar de Atacama to work on a joint action plan Focus on protection of the … Read the full press release

“Building Healthy Relationships and Enhancing Gender Equality”: Young women from Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan come together

Building Healthy Relationships and Enhancing Gender Equality

(PRESS RELEASE) NICOSIA, 26-Mar-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Young women from Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan came together in the online seminar “Building healthy relationships and enhancing gender equality” to discuss gender norms and explore tangible implications of human, gender, and … Read the full press release

Sustainability: Vattenfall ranked as top 1% among 75,000 companies assessed by EcoVadis

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 12-Feb-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Leading European energy company Vattenfall announces that its sustainability work has earned the Platinum award, the highest rating from EcoVadis, a leading source of corporate sustainability evaluation. Vattenfall, ranked as the top 1 … Read the full press release

Iberdrola to ensure 70% of its main suppliers worldwide comply with environmental, social and governance objectives by 2022

(PRESS RELEASE) BILBAO, 29-Jan-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Spanish multinational electric utility company Iberdrola to promote ESG criteria to its more than 22,000 suppliers worldwide, from which it makes purchases worth 20 billion euros a year. ESG criteria -environmental, social and … Read the full press release

M&S formally supports Call to Action on human rights abuses to help drive meaningful change in the Uyghur Region

Additionally, the retailer remains committed to offering customers 100% sustainably sourced cotton (PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 6-Jan-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — British multinational retailer M&S announces that it has signed the Call to Action on human rights abuses: Brand Commitment to Exit … Read the full press release

SKAGEN commits to adhere to the UN’s global framework for sustainable enterprise

(PRESS RELEASE) STAVANGER, 23-Apr-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — SKAGEN Funds signs up to the UN Global Compact, becoming a member of the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. As a member, SKAGEN undertakes to adapt its operations and strategy to the UN’s … Read the full press release

Glencore: incidents and fatalities not linked to Kamoto Copper Company operations or activities in Kolwezi, DRC

Glencore: incidents and fatalities not linked to Kamoto Copper Company operations or activities in Kolwezi, DRC

(PRESS RELEASE) BAAR, 28-Jun-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — Glencore‘s subsidiary Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) is not connected to the incidents and the fatalities of illegal artisanal miners across its industrial mining concessions in the Kolwezi area, Democratic Republic of the Congo. … Read the full press release

UniCredit confirms commitment on human rights and fundamental labour rights to the highest international standards

(PRESS RELEASE) MILAN, 23-Jan-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — UniCredit today announced the signing of a Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with UNI Global Union [1]. The agreement will strengthen the dialogue between the two parties on human rights and fundamental labour rights and confirms … Read the full press release

Vattenfall ranked “Leader” by Sustainalyctis, an improvement from last year’s ranking – where the company was rated as “outperformer”

STOCKHOLM, 18-Dec-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — In parallel to being assessed for their financial and business performance, companies are to an increasing extent, also rated for their sustainability performance. The environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria is a set of standards … Read the full press release

OSCE-supported conference on the occasion of International Human Rights Day in Podgorica, Montenegro

PODGORICA, Montenegro, 12-Dec-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Strong democracy and good governance are necessary prerequisites to ensure adequate protection of human rights, affirmed participants in an OSCE-supported conference held on the occasion of International Human Rights Day on 10 December in … Read the full press release

FIGO: rights-based advocacy to end Violence Against Women (VAW)

Violence Against Women (VAW) is a global issue, a public health issue and a human rights issue that violates autonomy and hinders development. It is wholly incompatible with FIGO’s vision of a world where women achieve the highest possible standards … Read the full press release

BP, Equinor, Total and Shell join forces to create an industry framework for human rights supplier assessments

The HAGUE, 25-Sep-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Participating companies recognise the importance of working with suppliers that respect human rights, in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, including the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), … Read the full press release

Human rights campaigner Shami Chakrabarti will take part in the York Festival of Ideas 2018

Leading human rights campaigner and Shadow Attorney General, Shami Chakrabarti, will take part in the York Festival of Ideas 2018, discussing why women still need equality in the 21st century. YORK, 30-Mar-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Shami was the Director of … Read the full press release

SGS releases its its ninth annual Sustainability Report: 17.8% decrease of greenhouse gas emissions since 2014

SGS today publishes its ninth annual Sustainability Report. This report is aligned with the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G4 reporting framework at “Comprehensive” level, and it provides a detailed account of our sustainability approach. GENEVA, 19-Mar-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — For the … Read the full press release

Solidaridad calls on all companies that purchase gold to source verified responsible gold

Utrecht, Netherlands, 12-Feb-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — The report “The Hidden Cost of Jewellery” by Human Rights Watch (HRW) clearly demonstrates that the world’s largest jewellery brands have collectively taken limited steps to implement responsible sourcing practices for their gold. The … Read the full press release

Norges Bank to exclude nine companies from the Government Pension Fund Global

OSLO, 17-Jan-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Norges Bank has decided to exclude nine companies from the Government Pension Fund Global. In addition, one company has been placed under observation. The companies Evergreen Marine Corp (Taiwan) Ltd, Korea Line Corp, Precious Shipping PCL … Read the full press release

OSCE: Ukrainian children trained on human rights principles in Odesa, 19 – 20 Nov 2015

KYIV, 24-11-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — More than 50 school children from all over Ukraine were trained on human rights principles, from 19 to 20 November 2015 in Odesa, during the events organized by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine and the Office … Read the full press release

The EU Parliament’s public health committee and human rights subcommittee held workshop dedicated to organ harvesting in China

The demand for organs far outstrips what is available, leading to illegal trafficking in organs all over the world. With Europeans travelling to other countries to receive one of these illegally harvested organs, it also forms a challenge for the … Read the full press release