Tag Archives: human resources management

CNP Assurances Receives Prestigious MSCI ESG AAA Rating for Sustainability Efforts

(IN BRIEF) CNP Assurances has been upgraded to an MSCI ESG AAA rating, securing a 9.7/10 score and ranking 5th globally in the “Life and Health Insurance” category. The company’s commitment to sustainability is central to its operations, with a … Read the full press release

Mit der Eröffnung eines neuen Büros in Spanien stärkt IN-GRY seine Präsenz in Europa

MONTREAL, 15. Juni 2018 — /EuropaWire/ — IN-RGY, das in Quebec ansässige, auf die Transformation von Organisationen, den Einsatz von Lösungen für Human Resources und die intelligente Automatisierung von Aufgaben und Prozessen mittels robotergesteuerter Prozessautomatisierung (RPA) spezialisierte Unternehmen, gibt die … Read the full press release

Endesa received CSR distinction Award for its corporate social responsibility plan dealing with human resources

Madrid, 06-8-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Awarded Endesa’s Senda Plan dealing with corporate social responsibility in human resources secures • The plan achieved a “CSR Distinction” in the 2013 Cegos Awards, organised in partnership with Equipos&Talento, which reward best practices in human resource … Read the full press release