(IN BRIEF) The Horizon Europe project eVTOLUTION held its first public workshop, “Novel Tools for Novel Aircraft,” on February 6, 2025, at the GKN Technology Center in Bristol, UK. The event marked a significant milestone, where project partners shared initial … Read the full press release →
Posted in Aviation & Aerospace, Belgium, Business, Czech Republic, Economy, Education, Environment, Germany, Industrial, Italy, Netherlands, Politics, Science, Technology, United Kingdom
Tagged aeronautics, aircraft, certification frameworks, cooling systems, DLR, electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing, Energy management, environmentally friendly transport system, ESDU, eVTOL, eVTOL Aircraft, eVTOLUTION, GKN Aerospace, GKN Technology Center, Heathrow Airport, Horizon Europe project, Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Action, HorizonEurope, INNOVATION, Maria Teresa Ramandi, Mejzlik Propellers, noise pollution, noise reduction, Novel Tools for Novel Aircraft, Politecnico di Torino, public workshop, reducing noise emissions, regulatory compliance, Technology Readiness Level, TRL enabler, TU Delft, UAM, University of Bristol, University of RomaTre, urban air mobility, UrbanAirMobility, Vertical Aerospace, verticaltakeoff, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel