(IN BRIEF) The Dutch government has allocated substantial funding to the ‘Challenges in Cyber Security’ project, recognizing the critical need for coordinated scientific research in cybersecurity. Led by Prof. Tanja Lange of TU/e, the project aims to address foundational issues … Read the full press release →
Posted in Business, Defence, Education, Financial, Government, Industrial, Investment, Management, Netherlands, News, Security & Safety, Technology
Tagged Alberto Ravagnani, Andreas Hülsing, Boris Skoric, Christian Schaffner, Cybersecurity, Dutch government, Financial, Herbert Bos, investment, Kathrin Hövelmanns, Lejla Batina, Marten van Dijk, Minister Dijkgraaf, Monika Trimoska, research project, Sandro Etalle, Sven Schäge, Tanja Lange, TU/e