Tag Archives: Henrik Normann

Energy transition: NIB supports modernisation and contruction of new hydropower plant in Finland

(PRESS RELEASE) HELSINKI, 2-Dec-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — NIB announces that it has signed a 10-year loan agreement of EUR 10 million with Finnish Kuurnan Voima Oy. The funds will be used to reburbish Kuurna hydropower plant and to build Laurinvirta … Read the full press release

Environmental projects and SMEs in Denmark to benefit from new NIB and Ringkjøbing Landbobank cooperation

(PRESS RELEASE) HELSINKI, 6-Jul-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — International financial institution NIB announces signing of a ten-year loan agreement with Danish Ringkjøbing Landbobank (RLB) for onlending to environmental projects and to small and medium-sized enterprises in Denmark. A substantial part of … Read the full press release

NIB funds Maxima Grupe’s investment in energy efficiency solutions at its stores in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

(PRESS RELEASE) HELSINKI, 7-Aug-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — NIB and Maxima LT, UAB sign ten-year EUR 52 million loan agreement to finance Maxima’s investments in its retail network renewal in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The Lithuanian retail company will upgrade 31 … Read the full press release

NIB to finance the construction of new energy-efficient school and sports facility in Laholm, Sweden

(PRESS RELEASE) HELSINKI, 29-Apr-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — NIB signs 25-year loan facility of SEK 140 million (EUR 13.2 million) to finance the construction of a new primary school building and a sports facility in Glänninge with property developer Kommunfastigheter i … Read the full press release

Henrik Normann presented NIB at the Norden Association’s 100th anniversary seminar

(PRESS RELEASE) HELSINKI, 17-Apr-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — NIB President & CEO Henrik Normann spoke at the Norden Association’s (Föreningen Nordens) 100th anniversary seminar on Monday, 15 April, in Christiansborg, the Danish parliament building. The seminar, titled “Nordic responsibility for the … Read the full press release

FINLAND: NIB to fund Keitele Timber’s investments in mechanical wood processing facilities

(PRESS RELEASE) HELSINKI, 28-Mar-2019 — /EuropaWire/ — NIB to finance Keitele Timber’s investments in mechanical wood processing facilities. The agreement is EUR 15 million loan with maturity of ten years. Keitele Timber will use the loan from NIB to invest … Read the full press release

Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO) takes EUR 65 million from NIB for safety system upgrades in two existing nuclear power plant units in Finland

HELSINKI, 19-Dec-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — NIB and the Finnish energy company Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO) have signed a loan agreement of EUR 65 million financing safety system upgrades in two existing nuclear power plant units in Finland. This ten-year loan will contribute to TVO’s refurbishment project … Read the full press release

Swedish telecom operator Tele2 AB takes EUR 194 million loan from NIB for its merger with TV and broadband provider Com Hem

NIB and the Swedish telecom operator Tele2 AB have signed a SEK 2 billion (EUR 194 million) loan agreement to finance the company’s merger with TV and broadband provider Com Hem. HELSINKI, 19-Dec-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — The eight-year maturity loan finances the merger of the … Read the full press release

NIB provides EUR 187 million to Ericsson for the development of 5G mobile technology

HELSINKI, 26-Dec-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — NIB and the Swedish telecom company Ericsson have signed a 5.5–year loan agreement totalling USD 220 million (EUR 187 million) for financing a research programme for the development of 5G mobile technology. The loan will finance … Read the full press release

NIB and Sparebanken Øst to finance projects aimed at curbing CO2 emissions in housing and transport in Norway

HELSINKI, 23-Nov-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — NIB and Norway’s Sparebanken Øst have signed a NOK 300 million (EUR 32 million) loan programme for onlending to projects aimed at curbing CO2 emissions as well as small and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs) investments in south-eastern Norway. The funds under … Read the full press release

NIB signs loan to finance new, four-lane section of the E18 motorway in Telemark County, Norway

HELSINKI, 07-Jul-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — NIB and the Norwegian toll-road operator Vegfinans E18 Telemark AS have signed a 20-year maturity loan totalling NOK 1 billion (EUR 105 million) for the construction of a new section of the E18 motorway in Telemark County. The loan will … Read the full press release

NIB and Sparbanken Skåne launch EUR 52M loan programme for on-lending to SMEs

NIB and Sweden’s Sparbanken Skåne have agreed on a loan programme totalling SEK 500 million (EUR 52 million) for on-lending to SMEs, small mid-caps, and environmental projects. HELSINKI, 27-Dec-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — The seven-year facility will finance SME and small mid-cap investments in a broad … Read the full press release

NIB signs loan agreement with Kilpilahti Power Plant Ltd. to refurbish combined heat and power plant in Porvoo, Finland

NIB has signed a long-term loan agreement totalling EUR 80 million with Kilpilahti Power Plant Ltd. for the refurbishment of the combined heat and power plant (CHP) in the Kilpilahti industrial area in the town of Porvoo, Finland. HELSINKI, 17-Mar-2016 … Read the full press release

NIB provides financing facility to Arbejdernes Landsbank for environmental projects and SME enterprises in Denmark

NIB and Denmark’s A/S Arbejdernes Landsbank have agreed on a five-year financing facility, totalling EUR 50 million, for financing environmental projects and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). HELSINKI, 17-Mar-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — The facility is earmarked for SME investments made by owner-managed companies … Read the full press release

NIB to provide EUR 81 million loan for the technological upgrade of SJ AB’s X2000 trains

NIB and the Swedish passenger train operator SJ AB have agreed on a SEK 770 million (EUR 81 million) loan for the technological upgrade of X2000 trains. HELSINKI, 25-8-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — The 10-year loan will finance the modernisation of 36 train sets of this … Read the full press release

NIB signed EUR 92m 7-year-maturity loan agreement with Brazil’s Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) to finance greenfield pulp mill project in Brazil

NIB has signed a USD 100 million (EUR 92 million) 7-year-maturity loan agreement with Brazil’s Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) for on-lending to finance Klabin S.A.’s greenfield pulp mill project. HELSINKI, 21-7-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — The loan is for financing the construction … Read the full press release

The Nordic Investment Bank sign EUR 34.8 million loan agreement with Klaipedos Nafta AB to finance liquefied natural gas terminal in Lithuania

HELSINKI, 28-11-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) has signed a EUR 34.8 million loan agreement with Klaipedos Nafta AB to finance a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal at the Port of Klaipeda, Lithuania. The project will increase … Read the full press release

Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) to finance Norwegian energy company Eidsiva Energi’s new biofuelled district heating plant

NIB has signed a 13-year-maturity loan with the Norwegian energy company Eidsiva Energi AS to finance a new biofuelled district heating plant and to upgrade an existing network. Helsinki, Finland, 8-8-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — The loan totals EUR 27 million (NOK 226.5 … Read the full press release

Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) to finance AB Litgrid’s construction of electricity transmission line between Lithuania and Poland

NIB has signed a 10-year-maturity, EUR 50 million loan agreement with AB Litgrid for the construction of an electricity transmission line between Lithuania and Poland. The LitPol Link will be the first interconnection between the Lithuanian power system and the … Read the full press release

Nordic Investment Bank recorded EUR 217 million profit in 2013 despite the stagnant investment climate

Helsinki, Finland, 13-3-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — In 2013, NIB recorded a profit of EUR 217 million. Despite the stagnant investment climate, NIB’s new lending reached nearly EUR 2 billion and it was allocated to projects that are relevant to the competiveness and environment of the Nordic–Baltic region. … Read the full press release