May 3, 2018 ¦ Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark, Fraunhofer Institute Portugal and ProjectRay have been honoured as winners of the first edition of the European Silver Economy Awards. BRUSSELS, Belgium, 11-May-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — On Thursday May 3, the … Read the full press release →
Posted in Awards, Belgium, Business, Denmark, Education, European Union, Germany, Healthcare, Internet & Online, Investment, News, Non Profit, Politics, Portugal, Real Estate, Science, Small Business, Society, Technology, Transportation & Logistics, Travel
Tagged AGE Platform Europe, age-friendlier, age-friendly, age-friendly Europe, ageing, Ana Vasconcelos, Anne Friis Hansen, Awards, Boaz Zilberman, Demographic Change, Digital Single Market, digitalisation, economy, empirica, EU project, Europe, European Commission, European Silver Economy Awards, fall prevention and detection, Fraunhoder Institute Portugal, Fraunhofer Institute Portugal, Generic Telemedicine Platform, GoLive Solutions, h2020, Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark, Healthcare, ICT, ICT solutions, Israel, Julia Wadoux, Mariya Gabriel, Markku Markkula, Non-profit Organisations, older persons, ProjectRay, Public Authorities, RAY Solutions, seniors, Silver Economy, Silver Economy Awards, Silver Society, Sonja Mueller, technology, visually impaired people