Tag Archives: grid congestion

TenneT Leads Efforts to Address Grid Congestion in South Holland Amid Surging Electricity Demand

(IN BRIEF) TenneT, the high-voltage grid operator, announced that South Holland’s electricity grid has reached capacity for large consumers due to rising demand from heat pumps, EV charging stations, and industrial transitions to electricity. New applications for connections exceeding 3×80 … Read the full press release

NET Initiative: Port of Rotterdam Takes Steps to Solve Grid Congestion

(IN BRIEF) The Port of Rotterdam, in partnership with grid operators TenneT and Stedin, has launched the New Energy Taskforce (NET) to address grid congestion challenges in the port and surrounding areas. Roger Knubben leads NET, bringing extensive experience in … Read the full press release

Germany: new digital platform to significantly increase the efficiency of grid-stabilising measures to avoid grid congestion

Digital procurement platform to reduce the number of wind turbine output in case of grid congestion Regional producers, consumers and storage facility operators offer system operators flexible use of their installations for system support Flexibility platform has price decreasing effect … Read the full press release