Tag Archives: green bond

DFCC Bank Achieves Historic Dual Listing of Green Bond on Luxembourg Stock Exchange

(IN BRIEF) DFCC Bank has achieved a historic milestone with the dual listing of its Green Bond on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) and its display on the Luxembourg Green Exchange (LGX). This follows the bond’s initial listing on the … Read the full press release

Ahold Delhaize Fully Allocates First Green Bond to Climate-Reducing Projects

(IN BRIEF) Ahold Delhaize has announced the full allocation of proceeds from its inaugural Green Bond to investments in Green Projects aimed at reducing the company’s greenhouse gas emissions and climate impact. The €500 million raised last year has been … Read the full press release

BBVA’s Successful €1 Billion Green Bond Issue Exceeds Demand

(IN BRIEF) BBVA’s issuance of a €1 billion seven-year green senior preferred bond on Friday garnered overwhelming demand, reaching €3.3 billion, indicating investor confidence in the bank’s sustainability initiatives. The final price was set at mid-swap plus 90 basis points, … Read the full press release

Sustainability Milestone: Eurogrid’s Green Bonds Support 50Hertz’s Renewable Energy Goals

(IN BRIEF) Eurogrid, the parent company of 50Hertz, a transmission system operator, has secured 1.5 billion euros through its third and fourth Green Bond issuances. These funds will support grid expansion projects on land and at sea to enhance the … Read the full press release

Nordic Investment Bank’s Environmental Bonds Draw Over EUR 1.3 Billion in Investor Interest

(IN BRIEF) The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) launched a seven-year fixed-rate EUR 500 million Environmental Bond (NEB) on January 17th, with proceeds earmarked for environmentally beneficial projects. This issuance brings NIB’s total green bond issuance for 2024 to EUR 570 … Read the full press release

Ericsson Issues €500 Million Green Bond to Advance Energy Efficiency

(IN BRIEF) Ericsson, a leading communications technology company, has successfully issued a €500 million green bond with a 4.5-year maturity. The bond, part of Ericsson’s Euro Medium Term Note Program (EMTN), will fund investments in energy efficiency. Ericsson’s CFO, Carl … Read the full press release

Valeo Receives €150 Million Investment from EIB for Groundbreaking Green Bond

(IN BRIEF) The European Investment Bank (EIB) has invested €150 million in Valeo’s inaugural €600 million green bond issue, aimed at advancing low-carbon mobility and sustainability. This investment aligns with Valeo’s commitment to carbon neutrality by 2050 and supports projects … Read the full press release

SUEZ Issues Inaugural Sterling Green Bond, Attracting Strong Investor Demand

(IN BRIEF) SUEZ has successfully priced a 20-year inaugural sterling Green Bond following its previous bond issuances in euro. The issuance received substantial investor interest, with a total order book reaching £1.1 billion, nearly double the amount offered. The Green … Read the full press release

SIX Swiss Exchange Witnesses Surge in Green Bond Listings, Now Offers Access to Over CHF 28 Billion in Green Bonds

(IN BRIEF) SIX Swiss Exchange reports significant growth in green bond activity in Switzerland, with over a hundred green bonds listed and/or traded, totaling CHF 28 billion in nominal value. Swiss issuers account for half of these bonds, and 91% … Read the full press release

EBRD to support Egypt’s renewable energy sector by investing in the green bond issuance of Norwegian solar power producer Scatec ASA

EBRD investment of up to US$ 100 million in a certified green bond issuance in favour of Scatec ASA US$ 30 million Credit Enhancement Facility First private green project bond issuance in Egypt and the SEMED region (PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, … Read the full press release

EBWE wird Ägyptens Sektor für erneuerbare Energien unterstützen, indem sie in die Emission grüner Anleihen des norwegischen Solarstromproduzenten Scatec ASA investiert

EBWE-Investition von bis zu 100 Millionen US-Dollar in eine zertifizierte Green-Bond-Emission zugunsten von Scatec ASA Kreditverbesserungsfazilität in Höhe von 30 Millionen US-Dollar Emission der ersten privaten grünen Projektanleihe in Ägypten und der SEMED-Region (PRESSEMITTEILUNG) LONDON, 28-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Die … Read the full press release

Die Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) erweitert die Geographie ihrer Umweltanleihen auf die nordische Region

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) HELSINKI, 22-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Die Nordic Investment Bank (NIB), ein internationales Finanzinstitut mit Fokus auf die Die nordischen und baltischen Länder haben bekannt gegeben, dass sie die Geographie von NIB Environmental Bonds (NEB) weiter ausgebaut haben, um umweltbewusste … Read the full press release

The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) expands the geography of its environmental bonds across the Nordic region

(PRESS RELEASE) HELSINKI, 22-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB), an international financial institution with focus on the Nordic and Baltic countries, has announced that it has further expanded the geography of NIB Environmental Bonds (NEB) to attract … Read the full press release

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (SEB) issues EUR 1 billion green bond aimed at financing green loans, the bank’s second green bond issuance

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 3-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (STO: SEB-A) (SEB), a Swedish financial group leader on the Nordic market, has announced the issuance of its second green bond the proceeds of which will be directed towards … Read the full press release

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (SEB) begibt grüne Anleihen im Wert von 1 Mrd. EUR zur Finanzierung grüner Kredite, die zweite Emission grüner Anleihen der Bank

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) STOCKHOLM, 3-Feb-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (STO: SEB-A) (SEB), ein schwedisches Finanzunternehmen Gruppenführer auf dem nordischen Markt, hat die Emission seiner zweiten grünen Anleihe angekündigt, deren Erlöse zur Finanzierung grüner Kredite verwendet werden. Durch die Anleiheemission … Read the full press release

Deutsche Bank and Continuum’s world’s first Green Hedge Framework provides additional transparency for investors

(PRESS RELEASE) FRANKFURT AM MAIN, 16-Mar-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Deutsche Bank (XETRA: DBKGn.DB / NYSE: DB) announces that its has executed the world’s first green hedging transaction with Continuum Energy Levanter Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of Continuum Green Energy (Continuum). … Read the full press release

Luxembourg Stock Exchange to establish new green bond impact index with German index engineering company Solactive AG

(PRESS RELEASE) LUXEMBOURG, 26-Nov-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — The Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE), the leading listing venue for international securities, has announced it entered into an agreement with Solactive AG, a Germany-based index provider active globally, to establish a new green … Read the full press release

BBVA releases its first TCFD report

(PRESS RELEASE) BILBAO, 10-Nov-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — BBVA (BME: BBVA), a Spanish multinational financial services company, has announced the release of its first report on the risks and opportunities associated with climate change according to the Task Force on Climate-related … Read the full press release

ENGIE reaffirms commitment to play a leading role in development of green finance with issuance of its second Green Bond of €1,5 billion

La Défense, France, 17-Mar-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — To support its ambitious development strategy in renewable energies and energy efficiency, ENGIE issued its second Green Bond of €1,5 billion. The Group reaffirms its commitment and determination to play a leading role in … Read the full press release

Enel Finance International N.V. successfully places its first green bond on the European market

The transaction is in line with the financial strategy outlined in the Group’s 2017-2019 Strategic Plan, which provides for the refinancing of 12.4 billion euros including through the issuance of green bonds as instruments for financing projects related to the … Read the full press release