Tag Archives: Goldman Sachs

Barclays Appoints Paul Johnson as Head of Equities for Asia Pacific to Drive Growth and Expansion

(IN BRIEF) Barclays has appointed Paul Johnson as the new Head of Equities for Asia Pacific, where he will lead the bank’s equities business in the region, focusing on Equity Derivatives, Equity-linked Financing, Electronic Trading, and Prime Services. Johnson will … Read the full press release

Dr. Dirk Schumacher Appointed Chief Economist of KfW Group, Bringing Extensive Economic Expertise

(IN BRIEF) Dr. Dirk Schumacher has been appointed as the new Chief Economist of KfW Group, effective 1 April 2025. With a doctorate in economics, Schumacher brings extensive experience from his previous roles at Commerzbank, Goldman Sachs, the European Central … Read the full press release

Goldman Sachs Joins Eurex’s Listed FX Futures Business to Boost European Liquidity Hub

(IN BRIEF) Eurex, the prominent European derivatives exchange under Deutsche Börse Group, welcomes Goldman Sachs as a new member in its listed FX Futures business. Goldman Sachs, a major player in global FX markets, will serve as both a trading … Read the full press release

Goldman Sachs Executive Irfan Hussain to Lead LSEG’s Technology Transformation

(IN BRIEF) Irfan Hussain, currently Chief Operating & Strategy Officer for Engineering at Goldman Sachs, is set to become the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) starting January 2024. Based in New York, Irfan will lead … Read the full press release

ING nomina Karl Guha come nuovo presidente proposto del consiglio di sorveglianza

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) ING ha annunciato la sua intenzione di nominare Karl Guha nel suo consiglio di sorveglianza, con effetto subito dopo l’assemblea generale annuale del 24 aprile 2023. In attesa dell’approvazione da parte dell’AGM, Guha succederà a Hans Wijers … Read the full press release

ING Names Karl Guha as Proposed New Chairman of Supervisory Board

(IN BRIEF) ING has announced its intention to appoint Karl Guha to its Supervisory Board, effective immediately after the Annual General Meeting on April 24, 2023. Pending approval by the AGM, Guha will succeed Hans Wijers as the board’s new … Read the full press release

Porsche AG, a prominent sports car manufacturer, goes public on the Prime Standard on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

(PRESS RELEASE) FRANKFURT, 29-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Deutsche Börse Group (ETR: DB1), an international exchange organisation and innovative market infrastructure provider, has announced that Porsche AG (Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft), a prominent sports car manufacturer, has gone public … Read the full press release

Porsche AG, un important constructeur de voitures de sport, entre en bourse sur le Prime Standard de la Bourse de Francfort

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) FRANKFURT, 29-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Deutsche Börse Group (ETR : DB1), une organisation d’échange internationale et un marché innovant fournisseur d’infrastructures, a annoncé que Porsche AG (Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft), un important constructeur de voitures de … Read the full press release

KI-basierte Geldanlage für Privatpersonen – Velvet AutoInvest erhält 1,3 Mio. USD Seed-Investment

Der nächste Durchbruch mit Yair Goldfinger & Microsoft (PRESSEMITTEILUNG) LIMASSOL, Zypern, 14-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Star-Investor und ICQ-Mitbegründer Yair Goldfinger ab sofort im Advisory Board des deutschen KI-Trading-Startups Velvet AutoInvest Durch Funding von Investoren und Accelerator Programmen erreicht Velvet ein … Read the full press release

EQT AB nominates Brooks Entwistle as its new Board member

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 29-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — EQT AB, a purpose-driven global investment organization, has announced the nomination of Brooks Entwistle as its new Board member. Brooks Entwistle, currently at blockchain company Ripple, will bring a broad experience from the … Read the full press release

EQT AB nominiert Brooks Entwistle als neues Vorstandsmitglied

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) STOCKHOLM, 29-Apr-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — EQT AB, eine zweckorientierte globale Investmentorganisation, hat die Nominierung von Brooks Entwistle als neues Vorstandsmitglied bekannt gegeben. Brooks Entwistle, derzeit beim Blockchain-Unternehmen Ripple, wird eine breite Erfahrung aus den globalen Kapitalmärkten und der Technologiebranche … Read the full press release

Enel place avec succès 900 millions d’euros d’obligations liées à la durabilité libellées en livre sterling

Enel Finance International NV a placé sur le marché une «obligation liée à la durabilité» en livre sterling, liée à la réalisation de l’objectif de durabilité d’Enel relatif à la réduction des émissions directes de gaz à effet de serre … Read the full press release

Enel successfully places EUR 900 million Sustainability-Linked Bond denominated in pound sterling

Enel Finance International N.V. has placed a pound sterling “Sustainability-Linked Bond” in the market, linked to the achievement of Enel’s sustainability objective relating to the reduction of direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1), contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development … Read the full press release

Christina Drews dirigera le développement stratégique de la plateforme d’exploitation d’EQT en tant que nouvelle COO de l’entreprise

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) STOCKHOLM, 11-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — EQT, une organisation d’investissement mondiale axée sur les objectifs, a annoncé la nomination de Christina Drews en tant que Chief Operating Officer (COO) et membre du Comité Exécutif. En tant que nouvelle … Read the full press release

Christina Drews to lead the strategic development of EQT’s operating platform as the firm’s new COO

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 11-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — EQT, a purpose-driven global investment organization, has announced the appointment of Christina Drews as Chief Operating Officer (COO) and member of the Executive Committee. As new COO, Christina will lead the strategic development … Read the full press release

Themistoklis Fiotakis dirigera la recherche FX chez Barclays

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) LONDON, 3-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Barclays (LON : BARC), une banque universelle multinationale britannique, a annoncé un nouveau chef pour sa recherche FX basée à Londres. Themistoklis (Themos) Fiotakis, nouvellement nommé, sera responsable de la conduite des prévisions … Read the full press release

Themistoklis Fiotakis to lead FX Research at Barclays

(PRESS RELEASE) LONDON, 3-Mar-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Barclays (LON: BARC), a British multinational universal bank, has announced a new head for its FX Research based in London. Newly appointed Themistoklis (Themos) Fiotakis will be responsible for driving FX forecasts across … Read the full press release

Deutsche Börse puts an end of paper certificates in Germany with the launch of regulatory compliant platform D7 and Clearstream’s central register

D7 central register supports issuance of electronic securities for first time in Germany First dematerialised issuances conducted by Deka Bank as well as MünchenerHyp in cooperation with DZ BANK Test phase for the fully integrated digital issuance of electronic securities … Read the full press release

Olivier Vigneron to succeed Stuart Lewis as Deutsche Bank’s Group Chief Risk Officer effective June 1, 2022

(PRESS RELEASE) FRANKFURT, 22-Nov-2021 — /EuropaWire/ — Deutsche Bank (ETR: DBK), Germany’s leading multinational investment bank and financial services company, has announced the appointment of Olivier Vigneron as the bank’s Group Chief Risk Officer in effect as of June 1, … Read the full press release

Deutsche Börse unveils next generation digital securities post-trade platform for truly digital and decentralised finance

Digital post-trade platform D7 enables end-to-end digital securities processing Over 80 per cent of German securities eligible to be digitised through centralised digital register by mid-2022, enabling same-day-issuance and paperless, automated straight-through processing Launch partners include leading financial institutions and … Read the full press release