(IN BRIEF) European Investment Bank (EIB), Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), UniCredit, SACE, and Società Italiana per il Traforo Autostradale del Frejus S.p.A (SITAF) have agreed to provide €247 million for the modernization and safety improvement of the A32 motorway … Read the full press release →
Posted in Banks, European Union, Financial, Industrial, Infrastructure & Utilities, Italy, Transportation & Logistics
Tagged A32, A32 motorway, Alessandra Ricci, ASTM Group, bridges, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, CDP, Claudio Vezzosi, EIB, Frejus tunnel, Gelsomina Vigliotti, Massimiliano Mastalia, Massimo Di Carlo, road safety, SACE, SITAF, Società Italiana per il Traforo Autostradale del Frejus S.p.A, T4, TEN-T, The European Investment Bank, tunnels, UNICREDIT, viaducts