(IN BRIEF) Alstom has secured a significant new order to supply 27 new-generation Citadis trams to the Eurométropole de Strasbourg and the Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois (CTS) under an eight-year framework agreement valued at up to 250 million euros. This … Read the full press release →
Posted in France, Industrial, Technology, Transportation & Logistics, Travel
Tagged 12 trams, 250 million euro, 27 trams, Aix-en-Provence, Alstom, Citadis trams, Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois, CTS, eco-design, eco-friendly transit, energy efficiency, Eurométropole de Strasbourg, Eurotrams, Framework Agreement, Frédéric Wiscart, full low-floor access, Gennevilliers, La Rochelle, Le Creusot, LED lighting, Ornans, People with Reduced Mobility, preventive maintenance, Saint-Florentin, Saint-Ouen, Sens, spring 2025, sustainable mobility, Tarbes, Valenciennes, Villeurbanne