Tag Archives: Fraunhofer

Regenerative medicine: Fraunhofer researchers developed cell-free substrate containing proteins to which autologous cells bind and grow only after implantation

Regenerative medicine uses cells harvested from the patient’s own body to heal damaged tissue. Fraunhofer researchers have developed a cell-free substrate containing proteins to which autologous cells bind and grow only after implantation. Samples of the new implants will be … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer researchers developed thermally reactive fabric blind for glass façades to reduce energy consumption by harnessing solar thermal energy

Glass-fronted office buildings are some of the biggest energy consumers, and regulating their temperature is a big job. Now a façade element developed by Fraunhofer researchers and designers for glass fronts is to reduce energy consumption by harnessing solar thermal … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer researchers developed prototype software to show grid operators how many electric vehicles can be connected to their local grid

MUNICH, 3-4-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — The success of electric vehicle networks depends on economical vehicles – and efficient power grids. Existing power lines were not designed for the loads generated by electric vehicles. Fraunhofer researchers have developed prototype software to … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer researchers developed highly promising alternative to animal-based experiments in medical research

MUNICH, 3-2-2015 — /EuropaWire/ — In medical research, animal-based experiments have thus far been a necessary evil. Fraunhofer researchers have developed a highly promising alternative, however: They are developing a mini-organism inside a chip. This way, complex metabolic processes within … Read the full press release

EU’s “Windheat Project”: Fraunhofer collaborates with six corporations from 4 EU states to develop energy-efficient ice detection and anti-icing system for small wind turbine power generators

In very cold climate zones, the wind can blow with tremendous force. But wind turbines have rarely been built in these regions up to now. The risk of ice formation on the rotor blades is just too high. But now, … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer researchers developed passive surveillance system for littoral regions based on mobile radio illumination called Passive Coherent Location (PCL)

Many coastal areas and harbors go almost unprotected against acts of terror. Soon a new sensor system relying on signal echoes from cell towers can quickly detect even the smallest of attack boats. This mobile radio passive radar can also … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer to present the Megatron® sputtering system at the glasstec trade fair in Düsseldorf from October 21 to 24

Thin-film coatings impart new properties to glass in applications as diverse as window glazing, solar cells and touchscreens. With the Megatron® sputtering system, it is now possible for the first time to vary the materials in these coatings in any … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer to showcase the MAGNUS technique at the EuroBLECH 2014 trade fair in Hannover, October 21-25

High-strength steels are in demand as lightweight construction materials. Now Fraunhofer researchers have developed a new inspection system that allows them to examine the materials contact-free. They will be showcasing the MAGNUS technique at the EuroBLECH 2014 trade fair in … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer to present new glass imprints that do not contain any toxic elements at the glasstec tradefair, October 21-24 in Düsseldorf

Whether on baby bottles, beer mugs or perfume bottles, imprints on glass consist mainly of lead oxide. Fraunhofer researchers have developed printing inks for glass that do not contain any toxic elements. At the glasstec tradefair from October 21st to … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer’s German Phosphorus Platform to show how to recover valuable substance from wastewater at Hannover Trade Fair / IndustrialGreenTec, April 7–11

Phosphorus can be found in fertilizers, drinks and detergents. It accumulates in waterways and pollutes them. For this reason the German Phosphorus Platform has the goal to recover this valuable, but at the same time, harmful element from water. How … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer-Forscher: Die Bauteilsauberkeit im Blick

In Branchen wie der Automobilindustrie gelten strengste Sauberkeitsrichtlinien für Bauteile. Allerdings lässt sich der Teilereinigungsprozess bislang nur unzureichend überwachen. Fraunhofer-Forscher haben ein sensorbasiertes Messsystem entwickelt, das direkt in die Reinigungsanlage integriert wird und dort Partikel in der Reinigungsflüssigkeit erfasst und … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer and Continental build the first ever system to extract vast dandelion rubber quantities for making tires

Rubber can be extracted from the juice of the dandelion. Yet the decisive breakthrough to industrial manufacturing is proving to be a tough step. Working jointly with industry and science, the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME … Read the full press release