Tag Archives: Fraunhofer

Fraunhofer Showcases AI-Based Healthcare Innovations at DMEA 2024

(IN BRIEF) Fraunhofer experts are at the forefront of developing AI-driven systems to revolutionize healthcare, presenting their latest advancements at the DMEA 2024 trade show. These innovations span various areas, including diagnostics, surgery planning, telemedicine, and data management. From AI-based … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer’s HoloLayouts Software Enables Collaborative, Interactive Planning for Future Factories

HoloLayouts has already proven itself in practical testing as part of the DigiBattPro4.0 project (PRESS RELEASE) MUNICH, 2-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization, has announced that the factories of the future need to be able to … Read the full press release

Le logiciel HoloLayouts de Fraunhofer permet une planification collaborative et interactive pour les futures usines

HoloLayouts a déjà fait ses preuves lors de tests pratiques dans le cadre du projet DigiBattPro4.0 (COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) MUNICH, 2-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Le plus grand organisme de recherche orienté application d’Europe a annoncé que les usines du … Read the full press release

Retoflow Cloud Software Streamlines Connection Requests and Cross-Sector Energy Network Planning

(PRESS RELEASE) MUNICH, 2-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization, has announced that the energy market is shifting towards renewable energy sources and there is a rising number of requests to connect solar plants, heat pumps, and … Read the full press release

Le logiciel Retoflow Cloud rationalise les demandes de connexion et la planification des réseaux énergétiques intersectoriels

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) MUNICH, 2-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Le plus grand organisme de recherche orienté application d’Europe a annoncé que le marché de l’énergie se tourne vers les sources d’énergie renouvelables et qu’il y a un nombre croissant de … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer Researchers Develop Shape-Shifting Materials for Comfort and Resource Conservation

(PRESS RELEASE) MUNICH, 2-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization, has announced that researchers at its Cluster of Excellence Programmable Materials CPM are developing shape-shifting materials for use in products such as comfortable chairs and mattresses that … Read the full press release

Des chercheurs de Fraunhofer développent des matériaux à changement de forme pour le confort et la conservation des ressources

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) MUNICH, 2-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, La plus grande organisation de recherche orientée application d’Europe a annoncé que les chercheurs de son cluster d’excellence Programmable Materials CPM développent des matériaux à changement de forme destinés à être … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer researchers develop cost-effective coating based on renewable raw materials

MUNICH, 04-Jan-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — If a surface has to be protected against corrosion, in 80 percent of all cases this takes place through coating it with paints or varnishes. When doing so, the proportion of bio-based, environmentally-friendly solutions is extremely … Read the full press release

Adhesives: Fraunhofer developed new adhesive called MetAK which can be hard and soft at the same time

MUNICH, 04-Jan-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — To connect components with each other, gluing is preferred today instead of welding, riveting or using screws. That makes cars, planes and agricultural machines lighter. The requirements placed on the adhesive are high, though: it has … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer: New quantum sensor to precisely measure the tiny magnetic fields in the next generation of hard discs

MUNICH, 04-Jan-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Integrated circuitry is becoming increasingly complex. These days a Pentium processor contains some 30 million transistors. And the magnetic structures found in hard drives measure just 10 to 20 nanometers across – less than a flu … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer: RFID technology to introduce more transparency in motor vehicle manufacturers’ supply chains and manufacturing operations

MUNICH, 04-Jan-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — Pressure to optimize is intense on the floors of motor vehicle manufacturers’ factories: Variance is steadily increasing. Costs have to be contained. Fraunhofer researchers are now using RFID technology to introduce more transparency in motor vehicle … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer: New center for microelectronic and optical systems for biomedical applications will be created in Thuringia

MUNICH, 23-Aug-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — A new project center for multidisciplinary work in the sector of microelectronic and optical systems for biomedical applications is being created in the German state of Thuringia. Three Fraunhofer Institutes, which cover the disciplines of biosciences, … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer Professor Dr. Oliver Ambacher wurde auf den Innovation Days 2015 in Berlin mit dem Karl Heinz Beckurts-Preis geehrt

Professor Dr. Oliver Ambacher, Leiter des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAF, wurde auf den Innovation Days 2015 in Berlin mit dem Karl Heinz Beckurts-Preis geehrt. Damit würdigte die Beckurts-Stiftung seinen Beitrag zur Entwicklung hocheffizienter Leistungsverstärker aus dem Halbleiter Galliumnitrid für … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer researchers adapted a wastewater treatment concept they developed in the DEUS 21 project to support the supply of water, energy and fertilizer in Vietnam

To meet the requirements of Asian cities, researchers are adapting an idea they have already applied in Germany for comprehensive water management: They are developing a concept for reducing water use, treating wastewater and extracting fertilizer for a strip of … Read the full press release

The Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT in Aachen to present lightweight construction technologies at the LASER World of Photonics trade fair in Munich, June 22 to 25

Many joining and cutting processes are possible only with lasers. New technologies make it possible to manufacture metal components with hollow structures that are significantly lighter and yet just as stable as solid components. In addition, lasers can be used … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer to present MEMS mirrors at the LASER World of Photonics trade show, June 22 – 25, 2015 in Munich

Silicon micromirrors can guide laser beams at extremely high speeds, allowing operators to dose heat input to workpieces with absolute precision. But to date they have not been robust enough to be used for laser cutting and welding. Now a … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer and partners developed wood-polymer composite material that is resistant to humidity and has low flammability

Wood is a popular material in interior design, but its water absorbency limits its use in bathrooms, where natural wood easily becomes discolored or moldy. Fraunhofer scientists and partners have developed a wood-polymer composite material for furniture that is resistant … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer and partners developed an assistance system that helps dermatologists detect skin cancer quickly

Melanoma is aggressive and life-threatening. If it is not detected early, the prospects of recovery drop. Screening is complicated, though. Together with several project partners, Fraunhofer researchers have developed an assistance system that helps dermatologists with diagnosis. Magdeburg, 7-5-2015 — … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer to present pressure-monitoring stocking prototype for diabetics at SENSOR+TEST 2015 in Nuremberg, May 19-21

Diabetics often have little feeling in their feet and don’t perceive the body’s pressure or temperature signals there. This can result in unnoticed wounds that then develop into abscesses. Many diabetics have to have toes or feet amputated. Now, a … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer to present fiber probe prototype manufactured using new technique at the measurement fair SENSOR+TEST 2015 in Nuremberg, May 19-21

Modern medicine relies on optical fibers to cauterize unhealthy veins in a minimally invasive way. Now, Fraunhofer researchers have developed a laser processing method that facilitates automated series manufacture of these fibers at a much finer quality than ever before. … Read the full press release