Tag Archives: Fitch Ratings

Las acusaciones de fraude contra Ricardo Salinas no son nuevas: una perspectiva histórica sobre los problemas legales del multimillonario

ASTOR ASSET MANAGEMENT 3 LTD DESTACA LAS PREOCUPACIONES CONTINUAS EN TORNO AL PRESIDENTE DE GRUPO ELEKTRA (NOTICIA EN BREVE) Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd desea llamar la atención sobre los desafíos legales persistentes y las acusaciones recurrentes de actividades poco … Read the full press release

Volkswagen Group Enhances Transparency by Adding Fitch Ratings to Assess Creditworthiness

(IN BRIEF) The Volkswagen Group, with annual financing requirements of approximately €20 billion, is a regular participant in the international bond markets. To provide greater transparency to investors, Volkswagen AG and Volkswagen Financial Services AG have decided to engage Fitch … Read the full press release

Fitch affirmed Assicurazioni Generali SpA’s IFS rating at ‘A-‘

Positive conclusion to the review of Generali’s debt ratings by all the main rating agencies, following the creation of Generali Italia 29-8-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Trieste – Fitch has affirmed Generali’s IFS rating at ‘A-‘ (outlook negative). The rating agency also affirmed … Read the full press release